The General Ledger Tab
This tab shows the general ledger transactions for the current account. You select accounting period in the upper left corner. In the Language field you can select in which language the account names should be displayed.
For each transaction (general ledger) you will see Voucher date, Voucher number, Account name, Voucher text, Debit and Credit amounts, Balance, Cost center, Cost unit, Project, Specification, Quantity and Quantity balance and Order no*. You can also see or enter comments under the C button to the right regarding the current voucher. The list is similar to the Account statement list in the Print General Ledger procedure.
The Quantity column can be used to show the balance of the foreign currency per account.
* Management Accounting
If the supplement Management Accounting is used, the column Order number is displayed, where you can see that the order numbers are also entered on the voucher rows.