General Information about Print General Ledger
You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.
What Does This Procedure Do?
The Print General Ledger procedure is used to print a general ledger for the accounting module. The general ledger shows a summary of all transactions made, classified per account. You can also print account statements in this procedure. The transactions are registered in the Register Vouchers procedure. Vouchers can also be created by integration of ledgers from the different sub-systems. These sub-systems include ledgers for customer invoices, incoming payments, supplier invoices, outgoing payments as well as the preliminary coded supplier invoices. Different settings, under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, determine how each ledger is to be integrated into the accounting.
You can also see to which voucher number a transaction relates and the registration date. The transaction amounts are shown in debit and credit columns.
Apart from the transactions made and the total amount of the account, the opening balance and the balance carried forward for each account are displayed for the printed accounting period as well as the opening balance for the account. Project numbers for transactions recorded on project are also shown.
Modifications made on vouchers are displayed as crossed out in the general ledger. The new amount is then underlined.
The general ledger can be printed for any optional period or optional accounting year. A printout can for example be made of period 3 even though period 5 is the current period. You can also select over year-ends. That is, you can for example select from June 2010 to July 2011.
There are different list types to choose from containing different information for each type. The different list types are described under Printout Samples.
The Account statement list type is mainly used for reconciliation since it is designed almost as an account statement from e.g. a bank. This list displays information about the current balance carried forward for each transaction.
You can classify and select the list by Account, Cost center and Cost unit. You can also select from and to which date you wish the printout of the general ledger to include. You can choose whether you wish to show the general ledger with the amounts in thousands.
What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?
There are no update options in this procedure.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.