General Information about Print VAT Report

You will find a general description of Managing Lists in the System in the chapter MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.

There are VAT reports for the following countries:

Why Use This Procedure?

VAT reports shall be submitted to Skatteverket (Sweden) or corresponding authority in other countries. The VAT report contains both information that shall be reported to Skatteverket and a coding basis for the period's VAT. The printout has the same design as the VAT return form. You can create an eSKD file (electronic VAT return) to submit the VAT return electronically on the Swedish Tax Agency's website. Please note that an EDI link is required, which you register in the EDI links procedure. For information about rules and regulations in other countries related to VAT reporting please contact the affected authority in each respective country.

In the procedures Chart of Accounts or Print Chart of Accounts you enter the VAT report's row number for the accounts that are affected. If this information is inaccurate, the VAT report will display incorrect values.

In the procedure a check is also made to see that the book turnover and the VAT coincide. This is made by calculating a turnover based on the booked VAT. The calculated turnover is then compared with the booked turnover. If a difference occurs, the size of the difference decides whether or not it can be a book-keeping error that has to be corrected before the VAT is submitted.

If it turns out to be a difference between the turnover and the VAT you can print a special list; Find Difference. A search is then conducted among the vouchers of the period and the list will display the vouchers that are causing the difference. This way you can very quickly find and correct the book-keeping errors, if any, that caused the difference.

In addition to the Standard list and the Find difference list you can also print detailed lists/reports. These will display the accounts that form the basis of the values displayed in the report or the vouchers that affected the VAT report, depending on which list you select.

By using the setting Create voucher under the Create tab you can choose if the general ledger shall be updated automatically when printing the VAT report. If this setting is deselected, an accounting order will only be printed. This accounting order has to be manually registered when you switch period.

The accounts that will be used when performing the VAT accounting has to be registered in the Global Settings module in the Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts procedure.

The procedure contains a number of different list types, of which you will find additional information under Printout samples. The available list types are:

The standard list contains the VAT report and the related accounting order. The Detailed / account list displays the accounts that form the basis of the values that are displayed in the standard report. The Detailed / voucher list shows all the vouchers that have affected the VAT report. The Find difference list displays the vouchers that have caused a difference between the turnover and the output VAT.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this procedure.

Window Functions

After the printout is made a control question appears asking if a voucher is to be created. If the Create voucher box is not checked, this control question does not appear. When the voucher is created you can print the accounting order. If the Create voucher box is not checked the accounting order is automatically printed. When the VAT report is reset the voucher number of the created voucher is displayed.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: