General Information about EDI Links
Why Use This Procedure?
In the EDI Links procedure, you create links (file paths) to the directories on the disk where the EDI export and import files should be saved. In order to configure an EDI Link, you must make a series of choices. Each link actually describes whether it is an incoming or outgoing message, what kind of message format it is, the correct file path, file name, denomination, whether the file should be saved automatically as well as how many backup copies (bak) should be made as a maximum each time the file is saved again. Each link is identified at the bottom left corner with a row number.
Here you can also configure customer-specific or supplier-specific links. You specify this by entering the row number for that row per customer in the procedure Update Customer using the setting Customer-specific EDI Link for INVOIC. For suppliers, you enter the row number in the Update Supplier procedure using the setting Supplier-specific EDI Link for Orders. These customer and supplier settings can be found under the Extra info button under the Info tab. For each supplier or customer, you can actually have a unique file name and/or file path for the files.
Setting up EDI Links, choosing message formats etc., is usually an issue that should be performed in consultation with a consultant or trainer from MONITOR ERP System AB.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.