The Account Profile Tab

The Account profile tab is used to create account profiles that will determine which accounts and sub-objects that will be available during accounting. This is determined per user or user group. The created account profiles are then linked to the desired users in the Users procedure. For example, you can determine which accounts that will be available for coding for the Purchase department.

The purpose of using account profiles is to reduce the risk of incorrect coding since the user will have limited access to the different accounts.

An individual setting is configured for each account regarding which cost centers and cost units that will be accessible when coding. This is done by selecting the account and then to the right select the cost centers and cost units to be available. To simplify the use of account profiles, you can "mass update" which cost centers/cost units that will be available for an account interval. This is done by using the button called Extended update.

To copy an available account profile, the function Save as... can be used under the File menu. Profiles to which no users are linked can be deleted.

You can view the account profiles in a list in the Print Chart of Accounts procedure.

When a new account is saved in this procedure, a dialogue window appears where you can select the account profiles that shall be entitled to use this new account for coding.

When using the PopUp Accounts feature, a check is made to see to which profile the logged on user belongs. Accounts that are not available for the logged on user will not be shown when using the PopUp feature. The PopUp feature for cost centers and cost units will show all objects even if they are blocked for coding.

In coding fields e.g. in the procedures Register Supplier Invoice, Register Vouchers or when coding order rows, a user can not enter an account, cost center or cost unit to which he has no access. In the procedures Find Transaction and Balance Info, the user can only search for accounts to which the user has access.