General Information about Balance Info
What Does This Procedure Do?
The Balance Info procedure is used to show balance information about an account or an interval of accounts. You can also see balance info for different sub-levels such as cost center, cost unit and project. Furthermore, information can be shown at transaction level, that is, the general ledger for an account.
The procedure consists of two tabs:
- Balance/Budget Summary
- General Ledger
Under the Balance/budget summary tab, you will see general balance information for the current account/account interval. The balances are specified for each period of the accounting year. The balances are listed with each period's debit and credit balance, period balance, accumulated balance, previous accumulated balance and index. You will also see the period budget and the accumulated budget. The information can also be viewed in chart form.
Under the General ledger tab, you will see all general ledger transactions that have been registered for the current account/account interval during a particular accounting period. The tab contains the same information as the Account statement list in the Print General Ledger procedure. If needed, this tab also shows details about ledgers and vouchers. The report can be exported from the General ledger tab to Excel.
You can use the Print General Ledger procedure to print the balance information for all accounts in the Chart of Accounts.
Window Functions
By using the button you can load new data. If new transactions are created after that the Balance Info procedure was opened, you can refresh the window by using this button. Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.