Save as... Part and Preparation
If you choose the alternative Save as... for a part, the window below will appear in which you enter a new part number and a name for the new part. By default you will see the name of the part that you have chosen to copy.
Below this, the window is divided into the tabs Part info and Preparation info. Here you select what will be copied to the new part. Below you will find more information about what can and what cannot be copied.
Please note! You cannot use Save as... and select an existing part number in the Update Part procedure without first deleting that part. If you try to overwrite an existing part, a message appears. However, in the Preparation procedure you can choose an existing part number when copying preparation info, but no part info will then be copied (the Part info tab will be inactive).
If you are going to copy many parts with the same selections regarding what will be copied, then you can use the alternative Save settings (applies to this tab). Your settings will then be available the next time you open the Save as... window. You can save the settings per tab.
The Part Info Tab
Here you select which of the part info from the existing part in the Update Part - Inventory procedure that you want to copy to the new part.
The Part info tab.
- Copy from General tab? - the Standard prices option will copy all information in the section Standard price (incl. expenses on purchased parts). If this option is not checked then the default unit will be registered on the new part. The option Drawing number/revision will copy the information in that section. The option Miscellaneous will copy any other information under the tab except for the following: Location, Physical inventory info (the physical inventory period will be copied), Status, Block and the Cause (the Notify info and message text will be copied), GS1 code, Modification log, Standard price log, Created by, and Modified by.
- Copy from Planning tab? - the Yes alternative will copy all information from the tab. Nothing will be copied if you select No.
- Copy from Manufacturing tab? - the Yes option will copy all information from the tab. Nothing will be copied if you select No.
- Copy from Purchase tab? - the Supplier links option will copy all supplier links and the included information. The option Miscellaneous will copy all other information from the tab. The option Measuring points will copy all measuring points that can be entered for the part. The measuring points are used during receiving inspection.
- Copy from Sales tab? - the Customer links option will copy all customer links and included information except for GS1 code. The Sales prices option will copy the sales prices and included information. The Miscellaneous option will copy all other information from the tab including the information under the sub-tabs Shipping info and EU info.
- Copy from Budget tab? - the Sales budget and Purchase budget options will copy all information in the Budget sections under the tab. It is the budget for the current year and future years that will be copied. Budgets for previous years will not be copied.
- Generate new text numbers? - here you can select if new text numbers (additional texts, comments and instructions) shall be generated, or if the same text number shall be used, or if you do not want to copy the text number.
- Copy from Extra info tab? - (only available if you have activated the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Part? under the Part heading under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure). The Yes option will copy all information under the tab. Nothing will be copied if you select No.
The Preparation Info Tab
This tab is available only if the part in question has any preparation info. Furthermore, it is required that you are a member of a user rights group that have full access in the Preparation procedure in order for the tab to become activated and make it possible to copy preparation information. Here you can then select what preparation info from the existing part that should be copied to the new part.
The Preparation Info tab.
- Copy Preparation? - here you select Yes if you want to copy preparation info and No if it should not be copied.
- Copy? - Operation list option will copy all operations and included information. The BOM list alternative will copy all material rows including all information. The alternative Time Calculation will copy the time calculation including all information.
- Copy weight numbers? - here you select Yes if you want to copy weight numbers from weight calculations and No if weight numbers should not be copied.
- Copy tool links? - (applies only when using the supplement Tool Management also known as the Tool Register). Here you can select Yes if tool links should be copied and No if they should not be copied.