
Show Extra info tab in Update Part?

Here you can select whether or not to display the Extra info tab in the Update Part procedure. You can choose to show the tab with or without a table.

In this tab you can enter more additional information, if needed, in a number of text fields, date fields, integer fields and decimal fields. The field headings can be adapted to your own needs via the Property Management procedure. The information can then be used in customized reports, etc.

Log WIP balance during standard price change

This setting checks how many of the parts that are WIP during standard price change and also which manufacturing orders that are affected by the standard price change. This is done to prevent differences between the accounting and the WIP list when the standard prices are changed for parts in ongoing manufacturing orders. (When the supplement Management Accounting is used). Standard price changes are saved in the Price Change Log.

Use category management for part category

If you check this setting you can display category explanation windows with multiple selection options in the Part category field in the Update Part procedure.

You create selection terms in the Category Management procedure in the Global Settings module. The category setting for parts also determines the amount of help that will be available under the Create tab for the lists where you can select by Part category.

If this setting is not activated you can enter part categories as additional text. You can then enter a maximum of 15 characters. By using the button next to the category field, you will find instructions of how to enter categories. These instructions are entered in the Categories procedure in the Global Settings module.

Create planning info for all WH when registering new parts

If this setting is activated, planning info will be created for all warehouses in the system when a new part is created. If the setting is not activated, planning information will be created only for the warehouse where the part is created. The setting is activated by default.

(This setting applies only for systems with the supplement Warehouse Management.)

Fixed weight default on new parts

If you activate this setting, the weight will be fixed on new parts created in the Update Part, Preparation and Part Import procedures. The setting is activated by default.

Manage purchase/manufacturing on project for parts?

This setting determines - at part level - how the material cost shall be managed in the project accounting. If this setting is activated you can mark purchased parts with Purchase on project in the Update Part procedure. The material cost such a part will then be loaded from the actual purchase and not from the reported material cost of the manufacturing order. This means that an exception is made for those parts in the post-calculation. The part types Stocked, Fictitious and Packaging can also be marked in the corresponding way. Then the setting is called Manufacture on project in the Update Part procedure.

Purchase/manufacturing on project for new parts?

If you configure this setting, the alternatives Purchase on project and Manufacture on project will be checked automatically in the Update Part procedure when registering new parts.

Create part number automatically from number series

This setting makes it possible for the system to automatically generate part numbers. The default alternative is No. You can select if it should be possible to use prefix on part number or if it should be mandatory. If you use prefixes, these are registered in the Order Types / Prefix procedure.