
You will find MONITOR's Help function under the menu Help. This menu contains the usual help functions that normally can be found in the Help menu in a Windows program.

The Help menu.

Help | Contents shows an outline of the Help Function, in which you can select the chapter/topic that you want to read.

Help | Menu help will show help information for the menus in the Program window. The "Menu help" alternative will only appear if no procedures are open. You can also access Menu help via the shortcut key F1.

Help | Field help (for future use, not currently in use).

Help | Window help displays help for the window (procedure) that is open. You can also access the window help by using F1 or Shift+F1.

Help | Instructions shows instructions that you can create for each procedure. You can write the instructions in the procedure called Update Instruction in the Global Settings module. You can also access Instructions using the shortcut Ctrl+F1.

Help | MONITOR Web displays a sub-menu including links to web pages on Monitor ERP System AB's website. The available alternatives are:

Help | MONITOR Web | Website is a link to Monitor's website

Help | MONITOR Web | Support site is a link to our Customer support Certain pages there require you to logon*.

Help | MONITOR Web | MONITOR Online Support (MOS) is a link to the page where you can receive support services using a remote control session of your computer. The remote control session is performed by support staff at Monitor when you need support in MONITOR. To use this alternative you are required to first contact the Support Center prior to accessing the MONITOR Online Support for a remote control session of your computer.

Help | MONITOR Web | MONITOR Update is a link to the "MONITOR Update" on the site where you can logon and download the latest updates/patches of MONITOR (within the same release/version). If you do not already have an account and logon information for the MONITOR Update, please contact the Monitor Support Center via e-mail or phone +46 (0) 650 766 60, to order such account.

Help | About displays information about the program and database versions, licenses, number of licensed users, system ID and installed adaptations, etc. Here you will also find information about Crystal Adaptations.

* Logon information to our website is distributed to our customers who have signed our Support and Update Agreement. Please contact our Support Center via e-mail address or phone +46 (0) 650 766 60, if you do not have access to the logon information or wish to sign a Support and Update Agreement.