General Information about Update Instruction

Why Use This Procedure?

The Update Instruction procedure is really a word processor used to write documents containing your own instructions of how to use the procedures in the system. The instructions will then be saved in the database, and linked to that procedure.

To write an instruction, you must first open the procedure for which you want to create the instruction. Then you should open the Update Instruction procedure and document the instruction. You can also copy text or Closedimages from documents created in Word, or any other word processing program. It is also possible to insert hyperlinks. Once the document is saved, it will be automatically linked to the active procedure in the database.

Tip! If you want to insert images in your instructions, do not make them too big and preferably using no more than 16 colors. Otherwise it may take very long to open the instruction.

It is also possible to write instructions and save them as files on your hard drive, see information in the section Creating a template. The formats that are then supported are "Rich text" (.RTF), Word (.DOC), text documents (.TXT) and Portable Document Format (.PDF).

Creating a Template

If you open the Update Instruction procedure without having opened an active procedure, the program will not link the written text to the database. The program will then, when saving, always save the text in a separate document. This can e.g. be used to create a simple template for the instruction documents. When you later on open the Update Instruction procedure (having first activated a procedure when creating the instruction document), this template can be loaded by going to File and Open... or using the Open button under Window functions. The supported formats are then .RTF, .DOC and .TXT.

Reading Instructions

If you have saved an instruction linked to a procedure, you can read it under Instructions in the Help menu on the Windows menu, or using Ctrl+F1 in that procedure. If the setting Show Window functions button if Instruction exists for procedure? has been activated under the System tab in the Document Viewing procedure in the Global Settings, then the button shown below will also be visible in the toolbar Window functions, and can also be used to open the instruction.


The Read Instruction button.

You can only read a written instruction using the above help, shortcut key or button alternatives. If you need to modify or remove an instruction for a procedure, this is done by starting the Update Instruction procedure while the procedure in question is active.

Modified Instruction

If you have modified an instruction, the users will see this the next time they open that procedure, because the Instruction button has turned yellow and red with a small star in one corner. The button appears this way until they have opened the instruction. The next time they open the instruction, the button has returned to its normal appearance.


Instruction has been modified!


The need to create your own instructions for MONITOR's procedure should be decided on a case-to-case basis. Those companies, who have certain quality and certification requirements according to ISO-9000, may find it useful to here enter the procedure descriptions using a quality manual or handbook. The instructions will then become quality documents instead. They are then easily accessible to all the MONITOR users in the company. Quality documentation has about the same requirement of information as, for example, drawings. A version or revision number should be available on the document, as well as who has made changes, and date for approving and modification. You can insert this information in a template that will always be used for your instructions, see information above.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.