In this section, you will find settings that apply to invoices.
Type of form used to register invoice directly
This setting determines which type of form that should be printed in the Register Invoices Directly procedure. You can select by the following alternatives:
- Invoice (default)
- Delivery note
- Both invoice and delivery note
- No form
Affect balance when reporting in Register Invoices Directly?
Here you can determine how stock balance should be reported in the Register Invoices Directly procedure. The default alternative is 'Question, default Yes'.
- Question, default Yes - This alternative provides a question and inventory reporting takes place.
- Question, default No - This alternative provides a question and it is possible to select inventory reporting.
- No question, Yes - This alternative does not provide a question. Inventory reporting takes place automatically.
- No question, No - This alternative does not provide a question and no inventory reporting takes place.
Amount of invoicing charge
This is where you enter the amount in your company currency of the invoicing charge (also known as billing charge). For each customer you should enter if an invoicing charge is to be applied. The default customer setting is not to charge an invoicing charge. The default option here is 50. In the following setting you determine for which maximum amount the invoicing charge should apply.
Invoicing charge only if the invoice total is less than
Enter the maximum amount in your currency for the invoice value that determines whether or not to apply the invoicing charge. For all invoice amounts less than the amount entered here, the system will apply an invoicing charge. The default option here is 500.
Client no. at BGC for BGC Invoice
Here you enter the client number for BGC Invoice. You must enter a client number to be able to create a BGC invoice file.
Enter material cost of goods sold in the books upon invoicing?
This setting determines the contents of the accounting order after invoicing. If you check this setting, the accounting order will also contain (apart from accounts receivables and sales accounts) the accounts for material cost of goods sold as the cost account with the inventory account as the offset account. Material Cost Excluding The SO cost (storage overhead) is taken from the part register. In order for this to apply, you must select the cost and inventory accounts that will be used for each product and customer group in the Product Groups procedure under the Sales account tab.
Using the setting Price alternative for material cost of goods sold, you can choose whether to use the "Material cost excluding SO", "Standard price when invoicing" or "Standard price for the delivery" when calculating the material cost for sold products.
Price alternative for material cost of goods sold
If the setting Enter material cost of goods sold in the books upon invoicing has been activated, you can also choose which price alternative that should be used to calculate the material cost of goods sold. All these alternatives also work when coding cost of goods sold in the Management Accounting. You can choose from the following price alternatives:
- FIFO (Material excl. SO)
- FIFO (Material incl. SO)
- FIFO (P-part excl. SO)
- FIFO (P-part incl. SO)
- Standard Price Delivery (P-part incl. SO)
- Standard Price Invoicing (P-part incl. SO)
- Material Cost Including SO
- No price
- Standard Price Delivery (P-part excl. SO)
- Standard Price Invoicing (P-part excl. SO)
- Material Cost Excluding SO
- Price list 1-2 - when coding cost of goods sold you can during invoicing enter a price list of your choice as the price alternative for booking.
Check if delivery note is printed during invoicing?
This setting allows you to check if all the delivery notes have been printed for the orders that you are going to print invoices for. If the delivery notes have not been printed, a warning message will appear and also a list of the order numbers that are affected.
Check if price is missing during invoicing?
Here you select whether the system should control if there are any invoice rows that do not have a price when you print the invoices. You can choose between:
- Do not accept zero as price
- Warn at zero as price (this alternative is selected by default)
- Accept zero as price
Print invoice to printer when e-mailing invoice
If you activate this setting, the invoice will be printed on paper as well. The setting is activated by default.
Manage automatic set-off for on account payments during invoicing
This setting makes it possible to enter Automatic set-off for the selected customer order number in the On Account Payments / Set-Offs procedure. This means that the system automatically should set-off future customer invoices for the order number in question against the on account payment. When the customer order then is invoiced in the Print Invoices procedure, the system makes an automatic set-off between the printed customer invoice and the on account payment that is registered. The coding items for this set-off are registered in the incoming payment ledger.
This automatic set-off function is mainly intended for companies that use the MONITOR system in countries where it is not allowed to edit advance invoices ahead (for example using invoicing plans).
Consider holidays when calculating due date
When using this setting it is possible to determine if the system should consider holidays when calculating the due date for customer invoices printed in the Print Invoices and Print EDI Invoices procedures. Please note that the calculation of due date also considers the holidays that are registered in the Non Payment Days procedure. This setting is by default set to "No". The following alternatives are available:
- No
- Yes (use preceding workday)
- Yes (use next workday)
All warehouses by default when printing invoice/EDI invoice
If you use the supplement called Warehouse Management, printouts can be made by default from all warehouses in the Print Invoices and Print EDI Invoices procedures provided that this setting is activated.
Sort invoice bases according to customer order at delivery
If you activate this setting the invoice records will become numerically ordered in cases when you make two deliveries according to the same invoice basis.
Exchange rate when invoicing
This setting determines from which date the exchange rate shall be set when invoicing in a foreign currency. However, any forward rate on the invoice basis will override this. The available alternatives are:
- Current rate - (default) the exchange rate at the moment will be used when registering the invoice.
- Rate according to invoice date - the exchange rate at the invoice date will be used (the printout date on the invoices).