General Information about Non Payment Days

Why Use This Procedure?

The Non Payment Days procedure is related to LB/FB payments (accounts payables and invoice payments) that are found in the Accounts Payable in the Purchase module. The purpose of this procedure is that the system automatically adjusts the payment date for the LB/FB payments, so that they will not take place on weekend or other holidays.

Under the No bank giro days and the No PlusGiro days tabs, a table is displayed containing the holidays (non-working days) for the calendar year, during which you cannot make payments to banks or the PlusGiro as they will be closed. During payments made via the LB/FB procedure, the system first checks that the due date for the invoice to be paid does not coincide with one of the "non payment days" in this table. If the due date falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date ( = payment date) will automatically be moved to the following business day. Please note that the date will be moved to the right payment day when the transaction list is created.

By postponing the due date in this way, you will avoid any possible problems during the reconciliation of Bank giro/PlusGiro/accounts payable account between your accounts payable ledger and accounting at the end of the month.

Via the setting Consider holidays when calculating due date, under Invoice under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, you can determine if the system should consider holidays (non-working days) when calculating the due date of customer invoice's printed in the Print Invoices and Print EDI Invoices procedures.

Before Switch Year. If you have configured that supplier payments automatically should be made on certain fixed days of the week, make sure that you register which weekdays in the coming year that should be considered non payment days! Read more about how you Switch Year in the Switch Year chapter in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.