Start Work

In this section, you will find settings that apply to starting work.

Automatic material reporting?

The setting Automatic material reporting during Operation Reporting under Order in the Manufacturing tab, must be configured in order to be able to use this setting. This setting allows the operation material to be reported at the same time as the operations are started in the Recording Terminal procedure. Any adjustments of the consumption balance that deviate from the planned/scheduled amount will take place when the operations are completed.

Automatic material clearance?

This option allows material that is linked to an operation to automatically be marked as cleared once the operation is started in the recording terminal.

Allow work center replanning for operation?

This setting will determine if the Re-planning button will be shown in the recording terminal in the Start direct work mode. This button is used to replan operations to alternate work centers.

Warn during start work if previous operation has not been started?

This setting provides a control during Start work in the recording terminal and lets you know if the previous operation has been started or not. If the previous operation has not been started a message will appear containing information regarding the earlier operation.

The work records' overtime setting is determined by the att. record

If you activate this setting all work records will receive overtime if the employee clocks-out overtime at the end of the day. In the Authorize / Adjust Recording procedure this setting will change all work records made during the day so that they will receive overtime provided that overtime is set on the attendance recording.