General Information about User Rights

Why Use This Procedure?

In the window in the User Rights procedure you define the user right groups for all modules, sub-modules (menu headings), and procedures (menu items) in the system.

Only the group Administrator is available in the system from the beginning. This group is a predefined system group linked to a likewise predefined user ADMIN and can not be opened and changed here.

After the user right groups have been defined here you can link users to the groups. The users in a group will then receive the rights that have been assigned to that group. Users are registered and assigned to a group in the Users procedure.

User Rights in the System

For top-level modules, you can only define whether or not they should be visible and/or available. The settings you configure here making modules visible and/or available are also passed on to underlying menu headings and menu items. This means that if a module is configured as "Not available", you cannot access any of the procedures that appear in the menu for that module. If you configure it as both "Visible" and "Available", all of the procedures in the module become accessible. By default, the user right "Full access" is then assigned.

For menu headings and menu items, you can also assign one of four additional user rights, if they have been configured as visible and available. The user rights configured on menu headings (sub-modules) will be passed on to the underlying menu items (procedures), unless these have been specifically assigned other user rights. You can select the following four user right alternatives:

If the supplement Warehouse Management is used it is also possible, for menu items that are affected by the warehouse management, to select to have Extended Warehouse function. This means that it is possible to change warehouse in such procedures.

In other words, a user group can be assigned different user rights for different parts of the system. The group may be denied access to certain parts, and other parts may be completely concealed from the group. A new group is normally assigned both visible and available modules, as well as "Full access" to the entire system. Read more under User Rights.

Updating the System

If you have purchased new modules, procedures or increased your number of users, or if certain new functions have been added to a new version of the system, you must update the modules that are incorporated in the system. This normally takes place automatically for the Administrator group and ADMIN users during the first system startup after installing the update, new version or user right files.

This means that registers in the system for user rights and procedures are automatically updated. Should this update not take place, for whatever reason, you can always update the registers manually after the installation. To do this, go to the Window menu and click on Update system which is located under File.

Any new procedures that did not previously exist, or any procedures that this group was previously denied access to, are displayed here in the Menu structure to the left by having the module symbol for the respective menu heading/menu item greyed out.

In order to provide access to modules or procedures that are subsequently purchased, or new procedures that have been added as a system standard, you must configure the corresponding user rights for each group that needs to use those features.

Each group must be opened separately and updated with the new procedures. All the users that belong to that user group will then automatically be given access to these procedures the next time they log on to the updated system.

Remove User Rights

You can also remove the user rights you have assigned to a group. That group will then be deleted from the register. This may be useful if you have configured a group that is no longer needed. This way, you cannot link users to the wrong group by mistake. Please make sure that you delete all the user links to this group first, otherwise you cannot remove the user group. To remove user rights, go to the Window menu and select Remove user rights under File.

Window Functions

New group user rights - This alternative will load a user right register for a new user group. This group will be assigned "Full access" to the entire system, by default.

Open user rights - This alternative allows you to open the user right register for an existing group. If you have existing groups that were saved earlier, they will be displayed in a list.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.