General Information about ABC Codes
Why Use This Procedure?
In the table in this procedure, you configure the ABC codes that will be used in the system. The purpose of configuring ABC codes for parts is to be able to group in proportion to the volume value of the entire range or assortment of parts.
You can have an optional number of ABC codes. The most common method is to configure an ABC code for parts with a high volume value, another code for parts with a lower volume value, as well as a code for parts with a low volume value such as articles of consumption (manufacturing supplies, consumables).
The parts with a high volume value may be parts that are very expensive, but they may also be parts with a large annual volume. The volume value is defined as the annual volume x price.
The purpose of the ABC codes is to capture as large a volume value as possible with as few parts as possible.
The ABC codes that are configured here will later on be suggested for the different parts in the Volume Value Analysis procedure when calculating the volume value.
The ABC codes can also be set manually for each part in the Update Part and Part List - Inventory procedures in the Inventory module.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.