Part Number

Enter the part number that you want to create a preparation for.

You can search the existing parts by clicking on the drop-down list box or by using F4. This will open the Popup feature which will allow you to search the part register. By pressing F3 you can also search the drawing register for all parts that are linked to a drawing number.

Part numbers are alphanumerical and consist of 16 characters.

By right-clicking in the window and using the Info menu, you can link to the Consists of (Structure List) procedure.

Create Part Number Automatically (with Prefix)

The system can automatically create a part number for new parts from your number series. The part number is created when you leave the Part number field empty and position the cursor on another field. The function is activated by the setting Create part number automatically from number series under Part under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. The general number series for part numbers is found in the Number Series procedure. Via this setting you can also select if you want to use a prefix for the part numbers and whether or not it should be mandatory to select a prefix.

If you use prefixes, these are registered in the Order Types / Prefix procedure. In that procedure you can decide if you want to create a separate number series per prefix or use only one general number series.