Order Rows

Here you can manually add manufacturing orders. If you have linked to this procedure from another procedure, the manufacturing order is selected by default.

Order Number

Here you select a manufacturing order number. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the order number or part number.

Part Number

Here you will see the part number that is included in the order.


Here you will see the part name.

Current Finish Period

This is the current finish period for this order.

New Finish Period

If you do not want to calculate a new finish period, you can enter a new finish period manually. This field can also be used to test how long a delay that can be managed. When you save, the new finish period will be saved to the order.


Here you will see the difference in number of days between the current and new finish period. A negative difference means delay.


This is the order's rest quantity.

Confirmed Delay

Here you can confirm an order as delayed, for example if the material will not arrive on time. This is an indication to other users saying that the order will be delayed.

Orders confirmed as delayed have this symbol . You can see this symbol in the Order Info and Register Manufacturing Order procedures in the Manufacturing module. You can also confirm orders as delayed in the Register Manufacturing Order and the Rescheduling Suggestion - In in the Inventory module.