General Information about Order List - Manufacturing

You will find a general description of Managing Lists in the System in the chapter MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.

What Does This Procedure Do?

In the Order List procedure, you can print a list of manufacturing orders, or an interval of manufacturing orders including incorporated parts, operations, material and reporting. The list shows the status of all orders in your manufacturing. If you have registered a manufacturing plan, it can be printed here.

The list can be presented in two layouts: both as a list of parts and as a list of structure orders. The layout depends on the classification alternative you select. The layout for a part list shows each part with its respective start and finish periods, order number, planned quantity, reported quantity, rest, status, and also whether it is a main part or not. The layout used for structure order lists has an additional header for each order number, containing information about: Start and finish periods, project number, name, customer information and priority.

Apart from this information, you can add additional information to the list under List types, containing information for each part about either operations, materials or both.

If you have registered a structure order, there can be several parts on one order number, as explosion and order placement has been made for the entire structure for part type M (Manufactured). The part that the order was placed for - the top part in the structure - is marked in the order register as "main part" M. Under List types you can select to show all parts or only main parts.

The current status of the order - both regarding operation and material records - can be seen in the Order List. The number of reporting points and how the continuous reporting is made is what determines how exact and up-to-date the order status is shown, in proportion to reality. You can read a list of incorporated operations as a monitoring list or a query, to see how far an order has progressed in manufacturing.

Read more about the Create tab in order to view an order list.

Read more about these lists under Printout samples.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are a number of alternatives that can be used to update different settings in the Order List:

Lead time chart

The Order List contains a lead time chart that is a powerful graphic diagram where horizontal bars show the start and finish periods for orders, including incorporated parts, operations and material (see the Gantt chart). The thing that makes the lead time chart so powerful, is that you can also use it to replan orders, parts or operations. However, you can only find the lead time chart under list types that do not include material. Read more under Lead time chart.

Material Clearance and Flow Analysis in the Order List

In the Order List procedure you can "send" manufacturing orders to Material Clearance (the same way that you can run a Priority Planning in the Workshop Info module) and include in the Flow Analysis. This can be done from two different lists:

If you select one of these two lists, you will see the setting Show only not cleared orders/parts in the lower portion of the window. This setting is not selected by default. If you check this box, then only the orders that have not been cleared will be included in the list.

At the far right of these lists you will find a check box under the I (Include) column that has been checked for each order by default.

If you open the Info menu by right-clicking in these lists, you will find the Material clearance... option. If you select this option, the Material Clearance procedure will open. All the orders in the list that have been checked as ready for material clearance, will then be loaded in the Material Clearance procedure and cleared. The orders that are selected for material clearance can be linked to the Register Manufacturing Order procedure via the Info menu. You can also make a Flow analysis for the selected orders.

You cannot make any posterior changes in the order that was made from the Order List in the Material Clearance procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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