The Print Tab

The Print tab is used to request and approve printouts of manufacturing order documents. You can also select other types of order documents than those selected by default under the Shop packet column.

In the upper portion of the window you select if and how linked external documents shall be printed when you print manufacturing order documents. In the upper portion of the window you can also select if and how the subcontract documents shall be printed when you print manufacturing order documents. Under Miscellaneous you will find a selection to only print manufacturing order documents for operations and material that not yet have been printed. You will also find a button for the last printout.

In the lower part of the tab you add rows with project or order number for which you want to print manufacturing order documents. By deselecting the E checkbox, you can print order documents for individual part numbers. Under Op. you enter if you want to print order documents for individual operations, Under the Shop packet column, you can temporarily change which manufacturing order documents that you want to print, the number of documents you want to print, and also change the order in which they should be printed. If you click A under Addl. you can enter an additional text that will be printed on the manufacturing order document.

You can link and preview already linked external documents if you have installed the Supplement called Document Viewing by using the button .

It is possible to show goods location on manufacturing order documents. This applies when document types with format Current operation or Current operations including next operation in the Operation portion have been selected.

A form check is always made after printout.

The manufacturing order documents should be printed on an A4-format paper that is not preprinted. You can change which manufacturing order documents, quantity, sequence, printer, additional text and other settings that should be used by default, in the Manufacturing Order Documents in Global Settings. All these changes require you to regenerate the form file, which is also done in that procedure.