Calculation Basis for Mechanical Engineering
B - (Bending)
LQ: Enter the quantity of bends that can be bent at the same time without turning the piece. When turning the piece for the next bending process, a new working pace is counted.
EH: Enter the bent edge height over the table. During two bends in the same pace, you enter the average edge height.
D - (Drilling)
Diam: Enter the drill diameter.
Length: Enter the drill depth (during package drilling, enter the total length). The program will automatically compensate for the drill bit.
Holes: Enter the number of holes.
SM: Enter the number of scribes/marks with center punch.
CP: Enter the number marks with center punch.
PS: Enter the number of pieces / work setup.
Comment: During reaming, leveling and broaching the system uses T, the same basis as during threading.
BEV - (Beveling)
Sides: Enter the number of sides that will be beveled in the same pace. If several paces are used, you must enter a new row.
Length: Enter the total beveling length.
MG - (Milling - global input)
MO: Enter 0 for manual, 1 for multioperation machine.
PS: Enter the number of pieces that are processed at the same time, or number of pieces per setup.
M - (Milling - surfaces)
Processing: Enter processing; 1 for holes and 2 for milling. Read more under Example of Processing Codes for Milling.
Length: Enter the length.
Width: Enter the width.
MA: Enter the machine allowance.
Tol: Enter the degree of tolerance. Read more under Tolerance Degrees during Milling.
SQ: Enter the surface quantity that will be processed. Read more under Example of Processing Codes for Milling.
SS: Enter the quantity of similar or same surfaces that will be processed. During drilling you enter the quantity of similar or same holes.
T - (Threading)
Diam: Enter the outer diameter of the threaded pin (screw tap).
Length: Enter the length of thread.
Quantity: Enter the quantity of holes that will be threaded.
SU: Enter 1 for setup, i.e. if the threading is a separate operation. Enter 0 if threading takes place in connection with drilling. If you enter zero (0), no handling time will be set, since it is entered for drilling. If threading takes place during another machine time (such as drilling), then threading is not entered.
C - (Cutting)
CA: Enter the cut area in cm2 per piece (also applies to batch cutting). You can calculate the area using F3.
Diagnl: Enter the number of diagonal cuts.
PS: Enter the number of pieces / work setup.
CL - (Clipping)
Diagnl: Enter the number of corner cutting clips.
SFG - (Surface grinding)
GA: Enter the grinding allowance.
NQ: Enter the number of sides (side quantity).
CIG - (Circular grinding)
SD: Enter the finished diameter of the processing surface.
SL: Enter the length of the surface.
PG: Enter 1 for a pendulum grinding machine and 0 for plunge-cut grinding.
PIB - (Pipe bending)
MT: Enter the machine type: 1 = Press bend, Langley, curve Tubi, 2 = Press bend, Result, 3 = Draw bend, Herber.
LQ: Enter the quantity of bends / pace. If the pipe is turned, like during drag bending, it is counted as a new pace.
Arbor: If you use an arbor to prevent pipe end compression, enter 1, otherwise 0.
TG - (Turning - global input)
NC: Enter 0 for center (capstan) lathe, or 1 for CNC.
MR: Enter the maximum number of revolutions allowed.
TF: Enter the tool factor. 5 = Normal tool quality. Enter a higher value for better tools, a lower value for worse tools.
Ori: Enter the axial measurement (for the orientation): 1 = Length, 2 = Width, 3 = Thickness.
T - (Turning - surfaces)
Read more under Example of Processing Codes for Turning.
Diam: Enter the current processing location's finished measurements. During leveling and keyway slotting, you enter the largest diameter.
Tol: Enter the surface's degree of tolerance. If no tolerance degree is entered, the value 12 is preset. During threading you enter the value 8.
Length: Enter the length of the current surface. During leveling, you enter the radius. During conical (beveled) leveling, enter the conical length. During internal threading you just enter the input length.
MA: Enter the machine allowance. During external/internal turning and threading you enter the depth of cut. During drilling, cut and tap threading, you enter the largest diameter. During groove stitching, you enter the groove width. During short hole drilling, you enter the radius.
Comment: Threading is always counted as a special cut. Deburring of edges <1 mm is not included. During CNC values <3 mm are not included. Enter each surface that will be processed, not that is cutting. The time is a function of the quantity of used volume. Read more under Example of Processing Codes for Turning.
FLC - (Flame cutting)
Length: Enter the total cut length per piece.
Holes: Enter the quantity of holes per piece.
LQ: Enter the burner quantity (when running 2+3 burners, enter the average burner quantity).
EMG - (Emery grinding)
Length: Enter the total emery grinding length.
PE - (Punching eccentric press)
PQ: Enter the quantity of punches per pace.
Turns: Enter the quantity of turns of the piece per pace. When moving the piece in the tool you do not enter a turn.
S: This applies to steering over a tap or similar. Enter the quantity.
MC: Enter 0 for foot control or light curtain. Enter 1 for manual control.
CL: Enter 0 for punching per piece. Enter 1 for clipping from flat bar, stamping or punching or clipping of sheet-metal strip.
PH - (Punching hydraulic press)
Quantity: Enter the quantity of punches per pace.
Turns: Enter the quantity of turns of the piece per pace. When moving the piece in the tool you do not enter a turn.
Steer: This applies to steering over a tap or similar. Enter the quantity.
MC: Enter 0 for foot control (operation), or 1 for hand control.
CL: Enter 0 for punching per piece. Enter 1 for clipping from flat bar, stamping or punching or clipping of sheet-metal strip.
PD: Enter the press depth of the tool (drawing depth).
PUN - (Punch nibbling)
PQ: Enter the total quantity of punches per setup or material (excluding punch nibbling).
TC: Enter the quantity of tool changes per setup.
PS: Enter the number of pieces that are obtained from one material, or that are set up at the same time.
NC: Enter 1 for NC-driven machines, otherwise 0.
NL: Enter the total nibble length per setup.
SL: Enter the total high-speed feeding length per setup.
WG - (Welding - global input)
Comment: Has no input data. Please Note! Must always be entered as the first row in each welding operation. To calculate welding operations you must enter WG first, and then WJ, WPI or WP for the same operation number.
WJ - (Welding - joints)
Area: Enter the joint area in square millimeters. Read more under Table with Different Weld Joint Areas.
Length: Enter the length of weld for the joint. Please note that the fastening of the pieces is included in the welding time, which means that you do not need to enter a special welding time for the fastening. When only performing the fastening, you should enter an estimated welding time.
Clean: Enter cleaning information: 1 = cleaning and 0 = no cleaning.
EL: Enter the electrode type: 0 = MIG/MAG, 1 = Basic electrode (OK 48xx and equivalent), 2 = High exchange electrode (OK 33xx, 38xx and equivalent).
Comment: For joints with different joint areas, enter one row per joint area.
WPI - (Welding - pieces)
Information: Here you can enter a position or a part number. This will automatically bring up the input data.
Length: Enter the largest length of the piece.
Width: Enter the largest width of the piece.
Thickness: Enter the largest thickness of the piece.
Q: Enter the quantity of each respective piece that will be handled.
Comment: For several pieces, enter several rows.
WP - (Welding - points)
Quantity: Enter the quantity of points.
TUM - (Tumbling)
Comment: Has no special input data. Times are only calculated using the dimensions.