The Basic Mode

When the Recording Terminal is in the Basic mode, it only shows the heading row and one large white field where you can insert the text or image of your choice. This mode is the one that always appears when the terminal is not in use, and is therefore perfect for using as a bulletin board for general messages. General messages are entered using the Update Messages procedure.

If the setting Use start page in Recording Terminal has been activated under the Miscellaneous heading under the System tab in the Settings procedure, then you can select to use the Start Page in the Recording Terminal in the basic mode. The Start Page can contain different types of information loaded from the system, such as sales statistics, key figures and ratios etc. and also information from the Internet. The information can be displayed in the form of charts, gauges and lists. The Start Page will then replace the general message in the Recording Terminal.

In the Configuration Start Page procedure you can create different start page configurations and tie these to different users or groups.