You are here: Custom Reports > System > Create Search Form > Search Form for C-module

Search Form for C-module

Here you can enter a specific name for a "datawindow" to the search form. If the field is left empty, the datawindow that is tied to the entered procedure ID in the Procedure ID field will be used. Datawindow has a predefined format for the name in the shape of d_[Procedure ID]_egen. If for example procedure ID 416 has been loaded the datawindow will be d_416_egen.

This field can be used in case two different search forms should use the same data window. If there for example already exists a datawindow called d_416_egen for the Procedure ID 416 and a new search form is created for Procedure ID 417, then you can in this field enter the name d_416_egen.

More information about this field is provided in our course called Database Access II.

If the Crystal Reports check box has been checked it is not possible to enter a name for the datawindow.