You are here: Custom Reports > Outline

Outline -

The module Custom Reports is a supplement to MONITOR and it is used to create custom reports in MONITOR. A "custom report" can best be described as a custom-made inquiry function with a customized design in the shape of an SQL-question, with its very own appearance in the Search Conditions and in the list that represents the report. For a more detailed description, please see the section Custom Reports.

When the Custom Reports has been installed, only the sub-module System in the Procedure menu is visible. You can later activate sub-modules to the info procedures for each of the main modules in MONITOR. These will be activated when you create menu items for Custom Reports in the Menu Text procedure. Read more about this in the section Create Reports in Crystal and MONITOR.


There is also a sub-module called Adaptations. Here you add the Custom Reports that have been created by Monitor ERP System AB. This sub-module is not activated according to the abovementioned procedure, but it is activated when these reports are installed by staff from Monitor ERP System AB.

Customized reports made in the Crystal Reports can be run automatically using the MONITOR Agent which is a supplement to MONITOR.


Here you will find the procedure Create Search Form which is used to create Search Forms to the customized reports. You will also find the Search Form List procedure here, which is used to obtain a list including all procedures with Search Forms in the system.


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