You are here: Sales > Parts > Update Part - Sales > Setup Price

Setup Price

There is a setup price for purchasing, and a setup price for sales for each part.

During order registration, you can include the setup price as a separate order row type 3 (Service), either using a default part number or service code. This is determined by the settings Show Part's Setup Price on Orders/Quotes? and Service Code/Part Number for the Part's Setup Price, under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

One alternative to entering the setup price in this field is to enter it in the supplier link or in a price list. This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use Setup Prices on Parts Per Customer/Supplier/Price List? under the heading Price Management under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

If you have entered the setup price both in the customer link and in this field, the setup price entered in the customer link applies.