You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Price Management

Price Management

In this section, you will find settings that apply to managing prices in the system.

Use setup prices on parts per customer/supplier/price list?

If you configure this setting, you can use setup prices on customer/supplier links on parts, and on part links to customers and suppliers and in price lists. The Setup price field will then be available. The setting is activated by default.

Use staggered sales/purchase prices on parts?

If you check this setting, you can use staggered (graduated/progressive) prices for customer and supplier links, and the sales prices in the part register. You can enter staggered prices under the S button on those rows. The setting is activated by default.

Use Future price in price lists, customer/supplier links?

If you check this setting you can manage Future price in price lists, staggered prices, price adjustments and in customer and supplier links. Future price also include valid through date and future setup price which will then be available in price lists and in customer and supplier links.

Complete FIFO for purchase parts

(This setting is part of an adaptation made for Eastern Europe. If this adaptation is not installed, this setting will be greyed out.) When this setting is activated, the FIFO calculation will consider the purchase price that applies at the time of the purchase. As standard (when the setting is set to No) it is the Standard price for the purchase parts that is included in the FIFO calculation.

Here there are three different alternatives:

FIFO calculation that considers purchase price at the time of purchase for purchased parts (setting set to Yes) is normally used in Eastern Europe. This FIFO calculation causes quite a few changes in the system. For example, it is only possible to invoice a sold part if its incorporated purchased parts have had its supplier invoices authorized.