You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > Payment Matching > Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable

In this table you will find information about the accounts receivable ledger records. Here you will only see unpaid and partially paid invoices.

Customer Code

Here you will see the customer code.

Customer Name

Here you will see the customer name.

Invoice Number

Here you will see the invoice number.


By clicking the symbol, you can preview the current invoice.

Due Date

Here you will see the invoice's due date.

Payment Date

Before the matching is performed this field is empty. After the matching this field shows the payment date from the payment file.

Rest Amount

Once the matching is performed, here you will see the rest amount, if any.

Paid Amount

When the matching is performed, here you will see the paid amount.

New Rest Amount

Here you will see the difference between the rest amount and the paid amount when it comes to partial payments. Any differences caused by the exchange rate will also be shown.


Here you will see the currency in which the payment is made.

Difference Code

If it is a partial payment, discount, write-off or round-off causing the difference you can enter a difference code.

Payment Exchange Rate

Here you will see the exchange rate that applies at the time of the payment. However, this can be changed if needed.

Payment Method

Here you select the payment method that was used. The default payment method is BG (Bank Giro).


If late payment fee is used for the customer and the payment is delayed, you check this box if interest shall be charged. If you deselect this box, no interest invoice basis will be created.

Accrued Interest

Here you will see the interest amount caused by the delayed payment.


If you click the C column, you can enter or read internal comments linked to the current invoice.