You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > Payment Matching > General Information about Payment Matching

General Information about Payment Matching

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to confirm incoming payment files from the Bank Giro and PlusGiro. When loading the file, an automatic matching is made against the accounts receivable. This means that the invoices will be registered as paid if the payment info in the file corresponds with the accounts receivable regarding the amount and invoice number. Payments that for some reason cannot be automatically matched must instead be matched manually. This procedure consists of two tabs called Bankgiro and PlusGiro.

There are a number of matching rules that are used when confirming payment from file that you can choose from:

The matching rules are configured in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab.

There are a number of functions used for payments from file such as matching OCR number and loading payment slips from file. Today these services are not implemented in MONITOR.

The bankgiro format does not manage international payments but only domestic payments in SEK and EUR. The PlusGiro manages both domestic and international payments.

This procedure also manages cash discounts.

International payments from Swedbank in format CSV are loaded via the PlusGiro tab.

Window Functions

- print a list containing records that have not been matched. This list can be used as a basis when registering incoming payments manually in the Register Incoming Payments procedure.

- unmatch matched records. This option is used to undo an already matched record.

- match records automatically. This option is used when you want to perform automatic matching.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.