You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > Register Incoming Payments > General Information about Register Incoming Payments

General Information about Register Incoming Payments

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register invoice payments that you receive.

At the same time that you register payments, you update the accounts receivable ledger. Paid invoices are not deleted from the ledger, but remain as a paid invoice with a rest amount of zero. You can purge paid invoices in the procedure called Purging Procedures in the Global Settings module. You can do this on a regular basis as needed.

You can enter incoming payments using bank giro, PlusGiro, cash or factoring in this procedure. The paid amount is entered in the currency used during invoicing.

The way of working in this procedure is that you first enter the payment date, method and batch total (optional) at the top of the window under the heading Payment settings. If you use the batch total you can also enter an explanatory text for the payment. This text will be displayed as a voucher text during integration into the accounting.

In the lower portion of the window, under the Mark to pay heading, you can use the PopUp feature to see which invoices are still unpaid, otherwise you can enter the invoice number manually. If the paid amount does not coincide with the invoice's rest amount, a difference will be created that can be coded against e.g. bad debt loss or discount. You can display (and adjust) the coding of the payment by clicking on the Coding button to the far right of the window.

If an invoice was paid after the due date and has therefore generated late payment fee, you will see the interest amount in the lower portion of the window. You may also choose not to apply interest to a certain invoice. The late payment fee settings must be registered and updated in the Settings procedure in Global Settings. You must also have indicated that this customer should be charged interest in the Update Customer procedure.

If the payment is in a foreign currency, it is possible to enter an exchange rate for the payment. Any exchange rate difference will be coded automatically.

By using the Move button, the F9 key or the plus key (+) on the numerical keyboard, the invoice will be moved up to the Marked to pay section. The cursor will automatically be positioned in the invoice number field so you can register the next invoice. At the top of the window you can see how many invoices that have been paid and the total amount for the payments and how much that remains to be paid (batch rest).

When all invoices have been moved to the "Marked to pay" section, you end the registration by saving. The payment of these invoices are saved as the next available batch number. The batch number is a consecutive number that is counted up for each payment "batch" that is registered. Each batch is the same as one day's summary of payments received from the Bank giro / PlusGiro. You can view previously payments in this procedure by entering an existing batch number at the top of the window under the heading Payment settings. During integration into the accounting, a separate voucher is automatically created for each batch number. The batch number field is only active if you have entered a start code in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings.

Preview Invoices

You can preview invoices in this procedure.

In the lists you can preview orders with status 9 (final delivery made) by pressing F3, right-clicking or double-clicking on the row.


When the payments have been registered (saved), the accounts receivable ledger is updated. You print the ledger or accounting orders for these payments using the Print Incoming Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure. By using the setting Print ledger/acct. order directly in Reg. Incoming Payments?, under Invoices under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, it is possible to select if the ledger/accounting order should be printed directly or if a question should appear regarding direct print when registering payments.

You will find four alternatives regarding integration between the ledgers and the accounting for the setting Integrate Incoming Payment Ledger into Accounting, under Integration under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure:

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.