You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > Payment Matching > The PlusGiro Tab

The PlusGiro Tab

Here you match payments made via the PlusGiro. In the upper portion of the tab, you will see the selected path. Here you load the desired file and you will also see the file date. There is also a button which you can use to show file. When you have loaded the file, you will see the file amount, accounts receivable amount and difference. You can select on which account in the chart of accounts the payment shall be recorded. You can also choose to view the accounting order.

In the table Payment records in file, all payment records included in the loaded file are shown.

Below the table "Payment records in file" it is possible to select by customer code, invoice number and amount. These selection fields can be useful during manual searches in the accounts receivable. You can open the coding window in order to see codings that have taken place. In the section Accounts receivables you will see information about the invoice record. You can edit some of these columns.

Match Records Automatically

Here you can choose to automatically match all records in the payment file. During automatic matching, all payment records are matched against the accounts receivable. Depending on the result you will either see a smiley face or a sad face. If no matching can be performed, a warning appears informing you why. By right-clicking on a payment record in the upper portion of the window, you can search for the matching invoice by filtering amount or invoice number (semi-automatic). You will then see a filtered list in the Accounts receivable section.

- Match records automatically. When matching records automatically a control question appears before the matching is performed.

- Unmatch matched records.

Matched records are shown with green background color in the Accounts receivable section. All matched records will automatically be moved to the top of the list. You can adjust the columns Difference code (provided that it is a partial payment), Payment exchange rate (for SEK and EUR) and Payment method.

If you do not want to match a payment record, for example if a deposit to the PlusGiro is missing in the accounts receivable, you can right-click on the row and select Do not match. A smiley face then appears for the payment record. No ledger record will be matched against this row and no coding will be created. You can manually enter this record or add the payment to another invoice's coding box.

Use Save to execute the matching. When saving the matching, the accounts receivable will become updated and ledger entries are created. If you use batch number for incoming payments, a separate batch number is created per payment record. The batch text will be the payment consecutive number from the file.

Match Records Manually

You can use "drag and drop" to match individual payments. You then drag the payment record in question to the wished accounts receivable record. By using the Info menu, you can filter the records in the payment file by amount or invoice number in order to simplify the manual matching.

Use Save to execute the matching. When saving the matching, the accounts receivable will become updated and ledger entries are created. If you use batch number for incoming payments, a separate batch number is created per payment record. The batch text will be the payment consecutive number from the file.

Partly Match Invoice

It is possible to match several invoices in the accounts receivable to one payment record. This can be useful for example when a customer has paid a "lump sum" to cover several invoices. By holding down the Ctrl key at the same time as you drag and drop a payment record to an invoice you can move the payment to several records in the accounts receivable. The automatic matching does not work when you partly match - you have to match them manually by using drag and drop. Please note that you only have to hold down the Ctrl key when you drag and drop a payment record to the first invoice. In the Left to match column you will see the amount that remains when a payment is matched to several accounts receivable records and there still is an amount left to match (the record is partly matched). When you partly match invoices, you can adjust the paid amount in the accounts receivable record.

- Partly match invoice.


The printouts are determined by the setting Print Ledger/Accounting Order Directly in Register Incoming Payments?, in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab.