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Printout Samples

Here you can see printout samples including explanations.

ClosedClassifying by Invoice Number

When classifying by Invoice number you can see the invoices in numerical order, independently of the customer number. Place a checkmark in the "Pay" box at the far left for those invoices that have been paid. For each invoice you can see: Invoice type, Order number, Sub-number (Sub# for order), Due date, Invoice amount, Rest/Paid amount, Method used, Payment date, Difference code, Interest (if it should be charged), Accrued interest, Customer code, Cash discount % and Cash discount date.

You can preview the invoices directly on the screen. This is either done by double-clicking on the invoice number, by using the shortcut key F3 or by right-clicking to open the Info menu, where you select the option Preview.

At the bottom of the list you can see the total paid amount, the total number of paid invoices, the batch total and the batch rest. This information is updated for every invoice you select to pay. If you have selected the alternative International payments, you will also see the currency and exchange rate.

The payments are registered when saving the selected invoices. A control question appears where you can confirm or cancel the payments.


Sample of an Incoming Payment List classified by Invoice number.

ClosedClassifying by Customer Code

When classifying by Customer code, you see the same information as when classifying by Invoice number. The difference is that the invoices are classified by customer instead.

You can preview the invoices directly on the screen. This is either done by double-clicking on the invoice number, by using the shortcut key F3 or by right-clicking to open the Info menu, where you select the option Preview.

The payments are registered when saving the selected invoices. A control question appears where you can confirm or cancel the payments.


Sample of an Incoming Payment List classified by Customer code.

In the lists you can preview orders with status 9 (final delivery made) by pressing F3, right-clicking or double-clicking on the row.