You are here: Sales > Quote > Register Quote > Extra Row Info for Quote Rows

Extra Row Info for Quote Rows

In the lower portion of the Rows tab, you will find extra info for each quote row.


Here you will see the account if it has been selected on the quote row. You can also enter and change the account in this field. By using the setting Coding Only in Extra Row Info, under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, you can determine whether a coding should be made only under the Extra row info or be possible to perform directly on the quote row.

VAT Code

The default VAT code is the same one entered in the quote header, but it can be changed here. You can therefore have different VAT codes on the quote rows. The VAT codes must be registered in the Update VAT Rates procedure in Global Settings.


Here you can select the part's revision for the quote row. The current (active) revision appears by default.

Requested Period

In this field you can enter the customer's requested (desired) delivery period. This is an information field that only appears here.

Initial Period

Here you will see the initial delivery date that was entered when the quote row was registered. This field is only updated when registering new quotes, at which times the planned and initial delivery periods are always the same. However, you may have the option of changing it in connection with replanning. When printing your own delivery reliability in the Delivery Reliability procedure, you can choose to use the initial delivery date as a comparison to the actual delivery date.

Setup Price Row

This check box will automatically be checked if the current row is a setup price row. Setup price rows will be automatically inserted directly after a part row, provided that a setup price is linked to the part.

Setup price rows are handled differently when it comes to statistics. When the statistics are updated, the setup price is saved to the statistics for the above part. However, in the Invoicing Log you will see the setup price specified in a separate column.

You can link several setup price rows to one part, but then the box Setup price row must be checked manually on the entered setup price row (this is to make sure that the statistics for the setup price rows are saved for the part).

Text Type

This field only appears on text rows (row type 4). There are six different text types for text rows that determine on which documents the text rows should be printed:

Checkbox Used to Link Text Row

To the right of the Text type field there is a check box that can be used to link the text row to the part that is included in the quote row above. This is a convenient special feature that will simplify the process when a partial delivery is made on an order row. For example, if an order row with 10 parts and a linked text row receives a partial delivery of 5 parts, then the text row is also partially delivered. This means that it will actually remain in the system until a later partial delivery is made of this order row. The text row will follow the part all the way to the invoice register, and can also be printed on invoices.

Delivery Period

The Delivery period field only appears on text rows (row type 4). You can use this field to select another delivery period for the text row than the delivery period on the quote row.


Here you can select to use bold font on the text row.


Here you can select to use italic font on the text row.


Here you can select to use underlined font on the text row.


The total order value of all the quote rows. The field is constantly updated when registering quotes, and cannot be modified. The currency code selected in the quote header appears to the left of this field (in parenthesis).


If you manage mark-ups on quotes, you will here see the total contribution margin (CM) for all quote rows.


The CR is shown here as the CM portion of the quote amount. The CR is entered as a percentage.


Here you can see the current stock balance for the part on the quote row. The setting Check against part lead time/balance during order registration? must be activated in order to show this balance.

The Show Shipping Info Button

By using the button Show shipping info you can calculate weights and volumes for the quoted quantity. In order to open this window, you must first save the quote.

The Show shipping info window.