You are here: Sales > Orders > Customer Order Transfer Settings > Settings for

Settings for Standard Transfer

Here you configure a number of settings regarding customer order transfer. These settings are configured per transfer profile.

Order Number

  1. Same as initial order
  2. New order number from number series
  3. From manufacturing company's order number series - The manufacturing company's order number is also set on the sales company's order.

Customer Code

  1. Sales company's customer code in manufacturing company
  2. Same as initial order

Mailing Address

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Delivery Address

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Invoice Address

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Your Order Number

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Initial order's number

Goods Label

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Empty

Terms of Payment

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Terms of Delivery

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Place of terms of delivery is also determined by this setting.

Delivery Method

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Order Date

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Today's date

Customer Code Invoice

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Sales company's


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

VAT Code

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company
  3. Empty

Fax Number

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. Own numbering


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From part in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From part in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. Price on initial order minus %
  3. Customer price in manufacturing company
  4. Standard price in manufacturing company plus %


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company
  3. None

Delivery Period

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Delivery period minus work days - Here you enter the number of days in a separate field.

Requested Period

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Requested period minus work days - Here you enter the number of days in a separate field.

Initial Period

  1. Same as initial order
  2. Initial period minus work days - Here you enter the number of days in a separate field.


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From part in manufacturing company


  1. Same as initial order
  2. From part in manufacturing company

Your Reference

  1. Same as initial order
  2. From customer in manufacturing company

Order Status

  1. Preliminary
  2. Registered
  3. Printed

Order Prefix

  1. None
  2. Yes - Here you enter the order prefix in a separate field.

Status of Orders Locked for Modifications

1. Registered

2. Order confirmation printed

3. Delivery time cannot be confirmed

4. Delivery note printed

5. Partial delivery made

9. Final delivery made

Use Default Company Link on Part Rows

Here you select company link on part rows (row type 1).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Use Default Company Link on Additional Order Rows

Here you select company link on additional order rows (row type 2).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Use Default Company Link on Service Rows

Here you select company link on service rows (row type 3).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Use Default Company Link on Text Rows

If you have a default company link in the transfer profile, the link normally applies only to part rows (row type 1). However, by using this setting you can determine if you want this company link to apply to text rows (row type 4+16) as well. If you have selected one of the alternatives "Only linked rows" or "All rows", these linked rows will be transferred only if you have selected to transfer the associated row types 1, 2 or 3 as well.

  1. No
  2. Only linked rows
  3. Only not linked rows
  4. All rows

Use Default Company Link on Serial Number Rows

Here you select company link on serial number rows (row type 5).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Use Default Company Link on Fictitious Rows

Here you select company link on fictitious rows (row type 6).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Use Default Company Link on Tool Rows

Here you select company link on tool rows (row type 9).

  1. No (default)
  2. Yes

Warn if Price Is Missing for Part

  1. No
  2. Yes

Create Purchase Order in Sales Company

  1. No
  2. Yes - By using this alternative the purchase order number created in the sales company will be loaded to the manufacturing company. In the manufacturing company you will find this number in the Register Customer Order procedure, under the Main tab on the second row in the Goods label field. If the row already contains characters and there is not enough space for the purchase order number, the purchase order number will not be loaded.

Transfer Row Type 1 to the Sales Company

  1. No
  2. Yes

Transfer Row Type 2 to the Sales Company

  1. No
  2. Yes

Transfer Row Type 3 to the Sales Company

  1. No
  2. Yes

Transfer Row Type 4 to the Sales Company

  1. No
  2. Yes