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Printout Samples

Below you will find samples and explanations of the list types that can be selected under the Create tab.


In the Standard list, which is the most detailed list, you can see the following information per service: Service code, Name, Category and Product group. For each month you will see: Quantity and Amount. You will also see – for each service – the total per year and a total Amount and total Quantity per service code.

At the bottom of the list, you will see totals for Quantity and Amount for the entire list.


Sample of a Standard list classified by Service code.

ClosedOnly Total / Year

In the Only total / year list, each row shows information per service: Service code, Name, Category and Product group. For each year you will also see a total Quantity and Amount. If you choose purchase statistics, you also see the Price Difference (PD). If it is sales statistics, you will see the Contribution Margin (CM) and Contribution Ratio (CR) in percentage form instead.

You will also see a total per service code and a total for the entire list at the bottom of the list.


Sample of the Only total / year list for sales statistics, classified by Service code.

ClosedOnly Total

In the Only total list, each row shows the following information per service: Service code, Name, Category, Quantity and Amount. If it is sales statistics, you will see the Contribution Margin (CM) and Contribution Ratio (CR) in percentage form at the far right. If you choose purchase statistics, you see the Price Difference (PD) instead.

At the bottom of the list you will see a total for the entire list. This list does not show any information per month or year.

This list can also be viewed in chart form. Use the Show chart button in the Window functions.


Sample of the Only total list for purchase statistics, classified by Service code.

ClosedAn Explanation of the Columns in the List