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Printout Samples

Below you will find the different list types with explanations and additional functions to the lists. The bases of the lists is the Source of info (customer order, delivery note, stock order or supplier) for which a shipment number has been created in the Print Shipping Documents procedure.

ClosedGoods Info

The goods information in this list is advised to customers, suppliers and warehouse (supplement).


Sample of a Goods Info list.

Blue rows can be advised. If you do not want a row to be advised, you can deselect it in the Advise column. The row will then turn white.

A row that is red is not ready to be advised. This means that there are probably no delivered order rows on the order yet. You cannot mark a red row for advising, a warning message will then appear.

If the order row has been delivery reported after that the dispatch was created, this can be rectified. Open the dispatch in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. Under the heading Source of info in this procedure, you empty the row with the customer order number and then you load the order number again on the same row.

For the Goods info you can see a summary by using the To preview help0179.gif under Window functions. You can go back to the previous list by using the Selection help0180.gif button.


Sample of a summary.

ClosedShipment Info

The shipment information in this list is advised to shipping agents.


Sample of Shipment info list.

Blue rows in the list can be advised. If you do not want a row to be advised, you can deselect it in the Advise column. The row will then turn white.

ClosedCustoms info

Customs info is a Supplement to MONITOR. The information in this list is advised to the Customs Department.


Sample of the Customs info list.

Blue rows can be advised. If you do not want a row to be advised, you can deselect it in the Advise column. The row will then turn white.

A row that is red is not ready to be advised. In this case this probably means that the order row does not have an invoice basis and thereby no account information either. You cannot mark a red row for advising, a warning message will then appear.

If an invoice basis has been created after that the dispatch was created, this can be rectified. Open the dispatch in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. Under the heading Source of info in this procedure, you empty the row with the customer order number and then you load the order number again on the same row.

ClosedE-mail Advising

Sample of e-mail advising.

ClosedForm Advising

Sample of form advising.