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Under Delivery in the Sales module you will find all the procedures that concern delivery reporting and shipments.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Delivery menu in the Sales module of a complete MONITOR system.

Delivery Reporting

This is where you report deliveries made for regular customer orders. There are several ways of performing deliveries for customer orders, depending on whether it is a delivery for a regular customer order with or without a pick list, or whether you use packaging parts, EDI and delivery schedule orders. Please read more about this in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Delivery List

The main purpose of the Delivery List is to enable printing of Pick List and delivery reporting in the same list. If Pick list has been selected, the procedure will generate different types of warnings which are indicated with a red exclamation mark and displayed under a separate tab. Another option in this procedure is to clear material before the pick list is printed. A specification of causes for shortage can also be listed, a so-called shortage analysis.

After you have picked the material, you can also use the procedure to delivery report the orders that have been selected and in connection with this you can print delivery notes and goods labels per order. If a comprehensive delivery note is requested, you have to print it in the Comprehensive Delivery Note procedure where the option to select by a specific delivery is not available.

This delivery list addresses the users that do not use EDI, since no identity is created in the pick list and since it does not handle packaging structures, etc.

Print Delivery Note (Delivered)

This is where you can print a delivery note for several customer order rows that have been delivered. You cannot print delivery notes for orders that do not have an invoice basis. The system automatically creates an invoice basis for those orders that have been partially or completely delivered. It is also only the delivered order rows that are included in this delivery note.

If you use delivery schedule orders in your system, then this procedure can be used to print delivery notes for delivered rows. The orders are then usually selected by customer code. That is why the delivery note is adapted to orders that have been partially delivered.

Print Transport Labels

Here you can print transport labels that are used to mark or label the goods delivered on a pallet, or print labels for smaller packages.

Print Pick List

Here you can print pick lists used for Material Clearance or picking, when you deliver customer orders. You can print a simple pick list, that can be sorted by order or location.

You can also print pick lists that show package information. For this pick list, you must also select a shipping agent, since the entire pick list should be delivered at the same time. This pick list is used as a basis for "batch" delivery reporting. It also provides a comprehensive delivery note. The pick list is automatically given a delivery note number when printed. This number is used for identification purposes, when you deliver pick lists via the Pick List Delivery Reporting.

Package Management

The Package Management procedure is used to manage packaging and packaging structures created in the Pick List EDI procedure. This makes it possible to manage mixed pallet with an assortment of smallboxes.

Print EDI Transport Labels

In this procedure you print transport labels for delivered goods or packaging which are managed in the procedures Package Management or Print Pick Lists when using one of the EDI list types.

Pick List Delivery Reporting

This is where you make deliveries using pick lists. You must first print the pick lists via the Print Pick Lists procedure. The pick list will then also have been given a delivery note number.

Once the actual picking from stock has been carried out, you can use this procedure to adjust the picked quantity of parts on the pick list, before you execute the delivery.

Comprehensive Delivery Note

Here you can print comprehensive delivery notes for several customer orders on one single document. Comprehensive delivery notes are used when you deliver several orders to one single customer at the same time. The delivery note number is then comprehensive for all the deliveries. The Comprehensive Delivery Note and its orders are given a delivery note number when printed.

Here you can print Comprehensive Delivery Note for existing delivery note numbers, for example for printed and delivered EDI/Packaging pick lists that can contain several orders. These are given a delivery note number when printed in the Print Pick Lists procedure.

The comprehensive delivery note can only be printed for orders via the invoice basis, in other words the orders must first have been delivery reported. After you print them here, the delivered orders are given a delivery note number.

Packing List

In this procedure you can create detailed packing lists with information about shipment number, container number, package size, package weight, statistical number and country of origin, etc. These packing lists can then be used during export and customs. The packing lists can contain several orders and different packagings.

Print Packing List

Here you print packaging lists created in the Packaging List procedure.

Print Transport Label Packing List

Here you print transport labels for packaging lists.

Undo Delivery Reporting

In this procedure you can undo an incorrect delivery reporting. The procedure helps the user to remove the invoice basis and to perform an offset reporting. The records in the delivery log and inventory log will remain, but they will be balanced by a negative reporting. Any locations will be recreated.

Print Shipping Documents

Here you can create shipments containing different shipping document formats such as delivery address labels, which should be printed when delivering goods that are sent to the customer via a shipping agent. Here you print these shipping documents per customer order. This way, the shipments are linked to one or more customer orders.

You usually print shipping documents when packing the goods after delivery reporting customer orders and printing delivery notes. You can also group together several shipments with a bundle number, such as all shipments that are sent on the same day.

Shipment List

Here you can print a list of all the shipment numbers that have been generated for different shipments in the system. This list can be printed on a printer as a receipt, in order to check off several shipments at the same time, if needed. This is very useful if you are sending several shipments at the same time via a shipping agent, since it will make it easier for the driver to check off all the shipments in one single list, instead of having separate list for each shipment.

You can also use this procedure for updating purposes. You can open the standard list on your screen. You can then update the status of the shipments, and enter the bundle number for the individual shipments.

Dispatch Advice

In this procedure you can create lists containing goods information for orders to dispatch to receiver of the goods. You can also print a form or send the dispatch advice via e-mail.

You can create lists containing shipping information to advise to the shipping agent. The information is exported to a file which is then automatically sent via FTP to the shipping agent.

With a supplement to MONITOR you can print lists containing customs data and export to a file and load to a customs data system (external software).