You are here: Sales > Delivery > Pick List > General Information about Print Pick Lists

General Information about Print Pick Lists

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you can here create different list types for material clearance or picking of parts when delivering the customer order. You can also see examples of these lists with explanations under printout samples.

Orders with an invoicing plan will not be included in this list.

Clearance List

If you select Clearance list you can first perform material clearance and then print a pick list. The clearance list is used to clear parts (row type 1-2) on customer orders that will first be picked and then delivered.

During material clearance, the system first checks which orders or order rows that can be delivery reported of the ones in the list selected in the Create tab. For the orders or order rows that can be delivery reported, you can clear the balance for the incorporated parts. These will then be booked for that particular order, and deducted from the available balance.

If several operators are involved in delivery reporting and picking, it may be useful to first clear the parts that are included in the order. Since the cleared parts are no longer included in the available balance, you thereby avoid exceeding the current available balance for picking.

If the available balance for a part covers the reserved quantity on an order row, the system suggests that you clear that row. This will be shown within the range of orders that you load from the Create tab by checking that order in the check box under Clear rows?.

If the available balance for all parts covers the reserved quantity on all the order rows, the system suggests that you clear the entire order. This is shown in the range of orders by the order being highlighted in green and checked in the check box under Clear order?.

Pick List

If you select Pick list, you can print a simple pick list that can be sorted by order or location. The list can be printed and used for picking of parts (row type 1-3) when you are delivering regular customer orders. The list can be printed without you having to perform clearance first. Before you print the list, you can decide to sort it by order or location, or print a separate list per order. These options are selected under the Create tab.

Pick List EDI

If you select one of the lists Pick list EDI / packaging, Pick list EDI / packaging 2 rows or Pick list EDI / total, you can print a pick list which also displays package information. For these pick lists you also select a shipping agent since the parts in the pick lists are meant to be delivery reported and shipped at the same time.

Picking is then made based on the printed list at the time of delivery. A pick list EDI is unique and the order rows on the printed list are blocked from being updated by other procedures.

The pick list EDI is automatically given a delivery note number when printed. The pick list is then delivered "bundle wise" per delivery note number in the Pick List Delivery Reporting procedure, when you deliver the entire range of orders on the list at the same time. (The deliveries per delivery note number are usually used in systems using EDI.)

This pick list EDI also provides a comprehensive delivery note that can be printed in the Comprehensive Delivery Note procedure.

When printing different waybills in the Print Shipping Documents procedure, you can use the delivery note number to load the packaging information on the pick list. In that case, the entire goods is given a shipment number that identifies the whole shipment. The delivery note number can also be used to identify the pick list when you send the invoice as an EDI message (Invoic). If you checked the Delivery note basis check box in the Create tab, the system will export transport labels for printout in Odette/Edifact.

This pick list EDI can also be used when you manage packaging as a part type that can be invoiced and stock balanced.

This list can also be used without EDI in those cases when you want coherent delivery notes, with or without packaging information. The work flow will then be the same as when using EDI, but the settings for export of delivery note bases does not have to be activated for the customer or as system setting.

The pick list can be printed per customer, dock code or period. The pick list header also shows information such as Customer code, Customer name, Dock code, Delivery address, Printout date, Delivery date and Shipping agent. The header is printed on each page.

It is possible to automatically open the Package Management and Print EDI Transport Labels procedures after approving the printout in the Pick List EDI. This is determined by a setting under the Sales tab.

The pick list EDI can be opened via the AutoRuns procedure in the supplement MONITOR Agent.

There are two settings for the adaptation called Import confirmation which will disregard any incorrect dock codes in the import file. The settings are called Skip dock when importing delivery confirmation and Search by customer's order number per row when importing delivery report. You will find these settings under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Multiple Stock Locations

If you use multiple stock locations, the system will perform an age analysis of the parts on the different stock locations. A pick list will then suggest that a withdrawal is made from the location that has the oldest arrival date. If the available balance on that location is not sufficient to cover the quantity to be withdrawn, the system will supplement this quantity by suggesting that the remaining quantity should be taken from the stock location with the second-oldest arrival date and so on.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the Clearance list, you can perform material clearance for those orders/order rows that can be delivered.

In Pick list EDI / packaging and in Pick list EDI / pack. 2 rows you can change name and add more text rows. It is also possible to change package information and to change packaging part for the package.

In Pick list EDI / total you can change name, insert more text rows and change the packaging part for the package.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this list.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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