You are here: Sales > Delivery > Pick List Delivery Reporting > General Information about Pick List Delivery Reporting

General Information about Pick List Delivery Reporting

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Why Use This Procedure?

Under the Create tab you can load and deliver pick lists. The delivery reported pick lists are of the type Pick list EDI and must have been printed in the Print pick lists procedure. The pick lists have then also been given a delivery note number.

Adjusting the Picked Quantity

After the actual (physical) picking you can here adjust the picked quantity of the parts on the pick list before the delivery is executed. These adjustments can be made under Quantity on the order rows.

If an order row on the pick list cannot be or should not be delivered for different reasons, it first has to be deleted in the Print pick lists procedure by setting the Quantity to 0 (zero) in the pick list. The order row will then remain on the customer order and can be delivered at another occasion on another delivery note.


The delivery is executed when you Save. The following will then take place:

If packaging is managed as a part type (determined by the setting Manage packaging as an extra part type? under Packaging on the System tab in the Settings procedure) the following will also take place:

Also see the step-by-step description of delivery of pick list .

It is possible to automatically open the procedures Comprehensive Delivery Note and Print Shipping Documents after the delivery reporting. This is determined by two settings under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Canceling a Delivery and Creating a "Zero invoice"

During delivery, the system creates a basis for the EDI invoice to the customer, if this customer has been configured to be invoiced via EDI (Invoic). If you have to cancel/delete the delivery for any reason, such as if the goods break during transport, you must create a "zero invoice" or null invoice for accounting purposes, containing the same invoice and delivery note number. This is because the invoice number is linked to the delivery from the start, making the invoice number the same as the delivery note number unlike a delivery of a normal customer order.

  1. If the delivery is to be deleted, a "zero invoice" must be created. First you load the pick list in the Print pick lists procedure, selected by delivery note number and with the setting Only rows with delivery note numbers? checked. In the pick list, you must then change the Quantity on all the part rows to 0 (zero) in order to cancel the delivery.
  2. After that, you load the delivery note number in this procedure and check the setting Only deleted delivery note rows. When the delivery is executed by saving, a "zero invoice" with the same invoice number as delivery note number is created.

Partial Deliveries against the Same Invoice Basis

If you have configured the setting Sort invoice bases according to customer order at delivery, under Invoice undet the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, the invoice records will be displayed in numerical order if two deliveries are made to the same invoice basis.

Delivery of Linked Manufacturing Orders

The setting Automatically set status 6 (Delivered) on M-order when delivering linked C-order determines if the status of the linked manufacturing order should be changed to 6 (Delivered) after the delivery. This setting is configured under the Orders heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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