You are here: Sales > Delivery > Print Shipping Documents > The Extra Information tab - Receiving Parties

The Extra Information Tab - Receiver

Under the Receiver (Rec.) tab you can verify and add/modify the receiver's information about the shipment. Some information is loaded by default from the source of info (for example a customer order).


(Primarily the information Name, Street address, City and ZIP code is loaded from the invoice address. Secondarily this information is loaded from the mailing address.)


(This information is loaded from the customer.)

Delivery Address

(This information is loaded from the customer when the source of info is Customer and from the customer order/invoice when the source of info is Customer order / delivery and Delivery note.

Delivery Contact

(This information is loaded from the customer when the source of info is Customer and from the customer order/invoice when the source of info is Customer order / delivery and Delivery note.

Final Receiver

(These fields are currently not in use)