You are here: Purchase > Parts > Pre-Calculation - P-parts > Include



Here you select if you want to include expenses registered under the Expenses button in the Update Part - Purchase procedure. Selected by default.

Setup Price

Here you select if you want to include the part's setup price in the calculation. The setup cost is primarily loaded from the supplier link (on the current supplier) and the general setup cost comes second. Selected by default. The setup price is distributed in the calculation with the part's EOQ or minimum quantity.

Alloy Cost

Here you select if you want to include alloy costs in the calculation.

SO Mark-up

Here you select if you want to include a general storage overhead mark-up in the calculation. You can modify the mark-up under the heading Mark-up.

Sales Overhead

Here you select if you want to include a general sales overhead mark-up in the calculation. You can modify the mark-up under the heading Mark-up.


Here you select if you want to include the profit in the calculation. You can modify the mark-up under the heading Mark-up.