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General Information about Pre-Calculation - P-parts

You will find a general description of Managing Lists in the System in the chapter MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.

Why Use This Procedure?

Under the Create tab you can make pre-calculations for a selection of parts in order to calculate standard price or sales price based on for example supplier price. To this you then add any expenses such as freight/packaging, customs duty and other costs.

The part's expenses are entered under the button Expenses in the Update Part - Purchase procedure. You can also choose to include alloy costs and setup prices. The setup price is divided by the largest value of EOQ and minimum quantity taking the round-off quantity into consideration, in order to calculate a setup price/piece.

The result is then usually saved as Standard price for the part, but it is also possible to save the result to a price list. In this case, the sales overhead and profit should be included in the price.

What Does This Procedure Do?

You can print a list including the new calculation prices for the parts. Under the Preview tab you view the list as it would look when printed out on a printer. Also see the Printout Samples.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

If you select a price alternative under Save to, you can update the selected parts with new prices by clicking on the Save button in the Window functions when the list is loaded. In the Save column in the list, you can deselect individual parts for which you do not want to update the price.

Can Any Charts be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the chapter MONITOR's Program Window in the MONITOR Basics.