You are here: Purchase > Parts > Update Part - Purchase > Part Category

Part Category

A Part category is a classification term used for parts, mainly intended to divide this field into positions that have different meanings. You can enter a maximum of 15 characters in this field.

When selecting by Part category in lists, you must use _ and % to search for positions. This type of selection can also be made for part codes. The only difference between part codes and part categories is that categories are only used as a selection term in the system. This means that part category can never be used to classify parts in standard lists. However, part categories can be used to sort and filter the data that you have already selected in your list.

Please remember that the term Part category has not been created to be used as a selection term in as many places as the term Part code, and that you should therefore only use part categories as a last-resort classification method. For your own Custom Reports, you can create optional applications.

You can update help text for the category field in the Categories procedure under Tables in the Global Settings module. This help text/information can then be viewed by clicking on the symbol to the right of the field, or by using shortcut key F3.

You can also use the Category Management procedure in order to register categories in a more structured way. In the Category Management, you can divide the category field into different sections, enter a descriptive text for the category component and also create selection lists with valid values for each category component. These are activated by using settings for each respective category.