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General Information about Categories

Why Use This Procedure?

In this procedure you can register help texts for the different categories that are entered for each part, customer, supplier, alternate preparation code, fixed asset, service order, project and nonconformity.

These help texts will then be shown by using the button to the right of the Category field in the procedures Update Part, Update Customer, Register Service Order, Update Supplier, Preparation, Register Project, Register Nonconformity and Register Fixed Asset.

Why Use Different Categories?

All categories are classification terms mainly used to divide parts, customers, suppliers, fixed assets, service order, projects and nonconformities into different groups. The category fields in each respective procedure (according to the above) all have space for a maximum of 15 characters, where each internal position is intended for a category. You can use alphanumerical characters. Each position in the field can be given a specific meaning that can later be used for selection during printouts.

In this procedure you then configure explanatory help texts for these category positions. Each row corresponds to a position in the category field. Which categories (or characters representing these) that should be used is optional.

Category Management

There is a new procedure called Category Management. This is a more advanced alternative to configure help texts for categories. There you can divide the category field into different sections, enter a descriptive text for the category components and also create selection lists with valid values for each category component. A category component can consist of more than one character in the category field.

In order to use category management there are settings that must be activated for the respective categories. Thus, the setting for a certain category must be activated for you to be able to use it for the category. You can for example activate category management only for part category and so on.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.