You are here: Global Settings > Tables > Outline


Under the heading Tables in the Global Settings module, you can create simple tables that are generally applied in your MONITOR system. For example Terms and Conditions, Part Codes and Currencies. The larger tables such as the Part Register and Customer Register are created under each respective module. When the system is delivered, it will contain all the tables seen in the image below.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Tables menu in the Global Settings module of a complete MONITOR system.

Terms and Conditions

This is where you create all the tables that contain your terms and conditions, such as Terms of payment, Terms of delivery, Delivery methods, etc. These terms and condition tables are used during purchasing and sales.

Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts

This is where you enter all the standard accounts. An example of a standard account is accounts receivable, accounts payable, bank giro, etc. Standard accounts are used to create accounting orders for invoicing, incoming payments etc.

Product Groups

Here you can create both product groups, customer groups and supplier groups. By using a matrix between these groups, you can create a function that will automatically insert your sales or purchase accounts on orders.

Discount Categories

This is where you create discount categories. Discount categories are used to create "staggered" (progressive) discount rates according to a specific value or a specific quantity.

VAT Codes

This is where you register or update different VAT codes that can be linked to customers or suppliers when VAT is charged.


Here you create a table of units. It is used to link units to parts, and also to translate the units into other languages.

Part Codes

Here you create part codes. These are used to group parts in the part register. "Part codes" is a classification and selection term.


This is where you can create category explanations. These categories are classification or selection terms that can be entered for parts, customers, suppliers, projects and fixed assets. You can also enter a text here that can be used as a help text or explanation for the category in question, during the updating of parts, customers or suppliers.

Category Management

By using the Category Management window, you can divide the category field into different sections, enter a descriptive text for the category component and also create selection lists with valid values for each category component. You can enter a start value, length (number of characters) and a type (Optional, Optional with selection list or Mandatory with selection list) for each category component.

ABC Codes

In this procedure, you configure the ABC codes that will be used in the system. The purpose of configuring ABC codes for parts is to be able to group in proportion to the volume value of the entire range or assortment of parts.

Part Status

The part status is intended to show the part's position in a product life-cycle. Here you can rename the part status 1-6 and 9. The part status is a selection term in different part-related lists. The status name entered here will then be shown in the fields where you can select part status.

Planning Formulas

This procedure is the basis for the Stock Refill System (SRS) during material planning in the Inventory module. The entered planning formulas and variables are used for material requirement calculations in different procedures included in the SRS.

Price Lists

Here you create price lists. You can enter an unlimited number of price lists in the system. Price lists are linked to customers, and all the parts are given a price per price list.

Rejection Codes

This is where you create different reject or claim codes. Reject codes are used both to report the reject reason of a rejected part in your own manufacturing process, as well as the reject reason for parts received from a supplier. The Claim codes are used to report claims received from your customers.

Selection List Extra Info

The Selection List Extra Info procedure consists of a table in which you can register texts that will be used as a default additional text under any of the Extra info tabs.

SO / SC Mark-up Exceptions

This is where you can create a number of different percentages that are used as exceptions from the general Storage Overhead (SO) mark-up and general Subcontract Cost (SC) mark-up. These can later be entered on a part, if you have activated a system setting for SO / SC Mark-up Exceptions in the Global Settings module. These exceptions will then be applied during the calculations used in the Pre-Calculation and Post-Calculation procedures in the Manufacturing module.

Alloy Codes / Mark-ups

Here you can create a customized list of alloy codes as well as to update the alloy costs, which are used to calculate the alloy cost for different materials that are incorporated in parts for which you make Preparations. You can also use this procedure to update and manage other similar mark-ups per quantity, for example environmental mark-ups.

Statistical Goods Codes

You can create different statistical goods codes in this procedure. These codes are used for parts that are purchased and sold within the EU.

Probability Codes

This procedure is used to register probability codes that are used to rank your quotes in order of probability or likelihood. When you are registering a quote, you can rank your quotes by entering a probability code for the quote, if needed. These probability codes are intended to reflect the likelihood or probability of if and when a customer may accept a quote.


This procedure is used to create your own list of densities, to be used to calculate the weight of different materials that are incorporated in the parts that you make Preparations for. When making Preparations for parts, you can use the weight calculation feature for material rows for the material that has been added to this table.


In the Phrases procedure, you can enter different kinds of general text phrases that can later be used in different parts of the system to facilitate and speed up the entering of frequently used text. In any optional entry field in a procedure, you can later load the phrases in a dialog window using the shortcut key Ctrl+F2 or via the Info menu under the right mouse button.

Time Codes

Here you can create your own time codes that can be used for the Preparation procedure, if you use time codes for setup times and unit times. The time codes will indicate how the times that are entered on the operation rows have been calculated.

Customer / Supplier Status

The customer/supplier status is used to define the customer/supplier status codes that will be available. The status is used to describe which type of contact the customer/supplier currently is. Is it an actual customer/supplier (for which you can register orders), or is it just a contact at fair, etc.


Here you define default activities for customers, suppliers, and parts. These will then be eligible in connection with registration of an activity for customer, quote, customer order, supplier, inquiry, purchase order or part. You can also create predefined activity lists here that can be used to simplify the registration of activities.

Customer / Supplier Types

This procedure is used to define customer/supplier types that will be available. These can then be loaded when registering customers or suppliers.

Customer / Supplier Districts

This procedure is used to define selectable Districts. These can then be loaded when registering customers or suppliers.

Order Types / Prefix

In the Order Types / Prefix procedure you can register prefixes that will be used to separate different types of orders, inquiries, quotes and invoices. The prefixes are registered under each respective tab in this procedure.

Agreement Types

In the Agreement Types procedure you define selectable agreement types. These can then be loaded when registering sales or purchase agreements.


This procedure lets you create the language codes that will be used in the system. For each language code, you must translate a number of standard words. These are words that will be printed on external documents (forms). When the MONITOR system is delivered the following languages are included; Swedish, English, Finnish, French, German, Polish, Lithuanian, Chinese, Russian, Norwegian, Estonian, Latvian and Danish.


This is where you register different external or foreign currency codes. When registering purchase orders or customer orders for import/export, you may need to use foreign currencies. When you update a customer or supplier, you should also enter the default currency code that should apply to orders from or to that particular supplier or customer.

Currency List

This is where you register different external or foreign currency codes. When registering purchase orders or customer orders for import/export, you may need to use foreign currencies. When you update a customer or supplier, you should also enter the default currency code that should apply to orders from or to that particular supplier or customer.

Country Codes

Here you can register, update or delete the ISO Country Codes (two letter codes) that you use in MONITOR. All the current country codes exist in the system. These country codes can later be registered on foreign suppliers, and are used in the payment files for international payments.

Central Bank Codes

Here you can register, update or delete the Central Bank (Bank of Sweden or "Riksbank") codes that you use in MONITOR. All the Central Bank codes exist in the system. These country codes can later be registered on foreign suppliers, and are used in the payment files for international payments.

Invoicing / Payment Plans

Here you register "templates" for invoicing and payment plans that can be used when registering quotes, customer and purchase orders. These templates provide better support for the management of advances and partial invoices of larger projects/orders.

Document Types

This procedure is included in the supplement MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM). The Document Types procedure is used to create the opportunity to link other documents such as delivery notes, travel claims etc. to scanned invoices.