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General Information about SO / SC Mark-up Exceptions

Why Use This Procedure?

In the SO / SC Mark-up Exceptions procedure you register different percentages as exceptions from the general SO / SC mark-ups (SO = Storage Overhead and SC = Subcontract Cost). SO mark-up exceptions can be configured for purchased parts, and SC mark-up exceptions can be configured for manufactured and stocked parts before the calculation is performed. The general SO mark-up is configured in the Settings procedure under the Manufacturing tab in the Global Settings module. There is also a setting about whether the system should handle SO / SC mark-up exceptions at all. The general SO / SC Mark-up is usually shown as a default during calculations, and is valid for all parts that have not been configured as exceptions.

Why Use the SO /SC Mark-up Exceptions Procedure?

Since the SO Mark-up in a calculation consists of a percentage mark-up of the entire storage overhead for a manufactured part, you may need to configure SO Mark-up exceptions for particularly expensive or cheap purchase parts that are used in a manufactured part. Relatively speaking, the Storage Overhead percentage is lower for expensive purchase parts, and higher for cheap purchase parts. By using SO Mark-up exceptions for these purchase parts, you can make the Storage Overheads used in your calculations more accurate.

If you plan on using SO Mark-up exceptions because you do not want to have any SO Mark-up at all for certain parts, you can enter 0.

The SC mark-up exception applies to manufactured and stocked parts (included in a manufactured part) with a particularly expensive or cheap subcontracting cost.

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