You are here: Global Settings > Tables > Product Groups > General Information about Product Groups

General Information about Product Groups

Why Use This Procedure?

Product Groups is a procedure where you create some basic tables. These basic tables are created to facilitate coding during purchasing/sales.

In the table Account group you create an unlimited number of customer groups and supplier groups. Each customer and supplier can then be linked to the account group of your choice. The Product group table is used in a similar way for the part register.

For example, when you register a customer order for a certain customer and for a particular part, the sales account will be loaded and become the default account. This account will then be printed on the accounting order after invoicing.

The window consists of tabs with a table under each tab. You can create the following tables in this procedure:

Before you can create these tables, you must update your Chart of Accounts. When you enter an account in this procedure, the system will verify that the account actually exists. In other words, you cannot register an account that does not exist in the Chart of Accounts. The same applies to cost centers, cost units and projects. These tables are created in the procedure Tables | Chart of Accounts / Standard Accounts. If you are using the Accounting module in MONITOR, you can find the corresponding tables under Accounting | Registers.

You link the account group to customers under Sales | Customers. You link the account group to suppliers under Purchase | Suppliers. You link the product group to parts under Sales | Parts.


An example of links between sales accounts and customer groups/product groups.

In this procedure you create links to accounts via the terms customer group and product group according to the sample above. You can print a matrix (similar to the above) of how links are defined in the system under the Sales account and Purchase account tabs.

The tables that are created there can be loaded using the PopUp window during the update customer, supplier or part procedures.

Adding and Deleting

You cannot insert a text in the middle of a table, only at the end. If a text is deleted, you cannot re-use that same location in the table. The program does not check whether a text is linked to a customer or not when you delete a text. The principle is therefore to prepare the tables before you start registering customers and so on in the system, and then you can make any changes (insert/delete) as needed.

The Info Menu

Via the Info menu (when right-clicking) you can access the Chart of Accounts and Balance Info (Shift+F3) procedures as well as enter sub-objects (F3) to accounts that have sub-objects.

Window Functions

Select Print under the Sales account and Purchase account tabs in order to see an overview of the accounts per product group/supplier group.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.