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Under Registers in the Accounting module, you will find procedures that are related to how the system manages registers for the accounting. These procedures are normally not used in your daily work. Here you also find procedures to print registered information.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Registers menu in the Accounting module of a complete MONITOR system.

Chart of Accounts

This is where you register, delete or change accounts in the Chart of Accounts. When deleting an account, a check is made to make sure that no balance exists on the account in question. Registered accounts are used in the current accounting and in procedures where coding of accounting orders is made. Here you also have the option to define the headings that are needed in the Chart of Accounts.

A Chart of Accounts type is selected when starting up the system. A number of charts of accounts to select from is delivered with the system. Read more about this in the Create Chart of Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module.

Here you can create account profiles that will determine which accounts and sub-objects that will be available during accounting. This is determined per user or user group.

Cost Center / Cost Unit

This is where you register, delete or change a cost center or a cost unit. It is also possible to print all cost units and cost centers. When deleting a cost center/cost unit, a check is made to make sure that no balance exists on the cost center/cost unit in question.

Accrual Accounting

Here you can register accrual accounting, that is, distribution of the recording of an amount over a requested number of months. Each accrual accounting is registered with accounts against which the prepaid or accrued income and expenses will be recorded. The accrual accounting must be released before any transactions are recorded. This is done in the Release Accrual Accounting procedure.


This is where you create AutoCodings. When registering vouchers, AutoCoding is useful in connection with certain reoccurring standard coding, which you thereby can speed up and simplify. If an AutoCoding is registered on an account, the linked accounts are automatically charged and credited. You can also register periodic AutoCoding that is released in the Release AutoCoding procedure. AutoAllocation means that the amount registered on a basic account is automatically allocated to the linked accounts.

Rename Account

Here you can change accounts, cost centers and cost units. When changing an account number, the account will be replaced in all databases where it is used such as in the accounting, ledgers, order backlogs, product groups and standard accounts.

Only a few employees should be authorized to use this procedure since the changes made here are extensive.

Print Chart of Accounts

You can print chart of accounts using this procedure. Besides listing the chart of accounts, most of the account information can be shown and updated in this procedure. You can also delete accounts from the chart of accounts here. When installing MONITOR, you have to enter which Chart of Accounts type that will be used. This is made in the Create Chart of Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module. New accounts are registered in the Chart of Accounts procedure in the Accounting module.

Print Accrual Accounting

This is where you print accrual accounting. Accrual accounting is registered in the Accrual Accounting procedure. In this list, each accrual accounting is specified with information about for example name, number of periods, allocated amount and which accounts that shall be coded. If you want to check which Accrual Accounting that remains to release, you can print such a list in this procedure.

Print AutoCoding

In this procedure you print existing AutoCoding and AutoAllocation. These are created in the AutoCoding procedure. There is also a possibility of seeing all accounts registered with AutoCoding and whether the coding is made at more than one level. If AutoCoding is registered at cost center, cost unit or project level you can see this in this list. The abovementioned also applies for AutoAllocation.

Update Coding Method

In this procedure you define how different events in the system shall be coded.

This is a supplement function included in the Management Accounting.

Coding Method List

In this procedure you can create lists over the coding methods that have been created in the Update Coding Method procedure.

This is a supplement function included in the Management Accounting.