You are here: Global Settings > Tables > Order Types / Prefix > General Information about Order Types / Prefix

General Information about Order Types / Prefix

Order Types / Prefix

In the Order Types / Prefix procedure you can register prefixes that will be used to separate different types of orders, inquiries, quotes and invoices. The prefixes are registered under each respective tab in this procedure.

The available tabs are:

To activate these tabs, you must configure a setting regarding prefixes for orders, inquiries, quotes, invoices and service orders. This is configured under the Manufacturing, Purchase, Sales and Accounting tabs in the Settings procedure. If you select not to use prefixes, the current tab will be inactive (greyed-out).

The prefix can consist of only one character, for example 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C, etc. You can also enter a prefix name, using a maximum of 35 characters. When saving e.g. an order and selecting a prefix, the names give you information about the different prefixes.

In the following Closedimage you can see that there are several prefixes registered under the Customer order tab. For example C for customer orders that has to do with courses and the prefix L for customer orders that concerns rent.

Prefix for different customer orders.

Prefix on part number

To be able to use prefix on part number you have to configure the setting Create part number automatically from number series to Yes, prefix optional or Yes, prefix mandatory. This setting is found under the heading Part under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.

Under the Part tab here, the prefix can only contain 1-8 characters and a name of the prefix. The E column should be checked if this should be an exception from the normal number series. If you make an exception from the normal number series, you should enter another number series here.

Please Note! You should keep in mind that the prefix plus the number series cannot be longer than 16 characters!

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.