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General Information about Register Service Order

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

Why Use This Procedure?

In this procedure you register service orders. To be able to register service orders you must first register basic data in the Register Basic Data - Service procedure. Using basic data for services, default order rows and activities will be obtained on new service orders.

A service order is a unique order type similar to a customer order. You register a service order before the service is performed and it is always linked to a particular customer. Normally, a service order is also linked to a specific serial number of a product delivered and sold on an earlier occasion. On the order you enter information about service type, where the service shall be performed and by whom. This information will then be taken into consideration when planning service tasks.

An internal (employed) or external service technician will be registered on the service order. The service technician can receive the order in the mobile application called MONITOR Mobile*. The service technician reports finished service engagements as well as enter the time used and material consumption. This can also be done in the MONITOR Mobile. The service engagement can then be authorized and as a final step you can send an invoice to the customer.

* The MONITOR Mobile is a supplement to MONITOR. You will find a product sheet about the MONITOR Mobile at the Supplements page, under Products at

For new orders you select a customer on the heading row and also a serial number, if needed (read more about serial numbers below). Via the order number you can select an existing order.

Under the first tab, called Main, you will find general information about the order. Most of this information is loaded from the customer register, but it can be temporarily changed for a particular order.

Under the Service tab you will find information about the selected service object (serial number). Here you plan the service engagement and you can also create nonconformities for products linked to the service. You will also find information about service agreements and it is possible to generate a service order according to the plan. If the service is reported as finished you will also find information about the performed service.

Under the Rows tab you can see default order rows as well as add and delete rows. This is what is included in the service such as part rows, service rows, additional order rows, for example. Each row can be priced and coded.

Under the Quote and Order confirmation tabs you can preview the respective form before printout. The Quote tab is activated when saving a new order with status 0. The Order confirmation tab is activated when saving a new order with status 1 or higher.

Under the Activities tab you can see default activities, add/delete activities and log incoming/outgoing e-mails regarding a service order.

At the bottom of the window, Under Order..., you can see who has created the order and when, and also who has modified it and when.

Service order numbers may have own prefixes. This can either be optional or mandatory. This is determined by the setting Use prefix to manage order types?, under the section Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. You enter a series of service order prefixes in the Order Types / Prefix procedure.

We recommend that you use unique prefixes for service orders, for example an "S". If you do not use prefixes, we recommend that the number series called Service order is set to zero (0) in the Number Series procedure If so, the same number series will be used as for customer orders. This way you avoid the number series for service order, customer order and invoice from colliding.

Service Order Status

A service order always has a particular “status”, depending on at what stage the order is in the system. When an order is registered, it is either given status 0 (Quote) or 1 (Registered). This is determined by the setting Default status on new service orders. The status will not be affected when printing and approving a quote. When an order confirmation has been printed and approved, orders with status 1 will be set to status 2. See the section Status for information about the different service order status alternatives.

Serial Numbers on Service Orders

A service order is normally linked to a serial number which can be entered on the heading row. If you choose a serial number from the product register, the product information will be loaded to the service order.

You can also enter a serial number that is not registered in the product register (for example for new customers without existing serial numbers in MONITOR's database). If the service is not linked to a serial number, you do not select/enter a serial number.

If you choose a serial number on an existing order and the customer code on the serial number does not coincide with the customer code on the order, a control question appears asking if you want to change customer on the order.

Change Owner on Service Orders

If you choose another customer on a service order, a question appears asking if you want to change the customer on the order. You can also choose if this change should apply to the order rows as well. In this mode it is also possible to change owner on the serial number, provided that the order has a serial number from the product register. Read more about change of owner in the help for the Update Product Register procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.