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General Information about Update Product Register

Why Use Product Registers?

The product register is the center when it comes to traceability of individual entities (serial numbers), service and change of owner on products. You can use the product register to keep track on where each product was delivered and when, and thereby provide better support for your warranty obligations etc. If you use the product register this way, then each product you deliver will get a unique serial number. The product register can be used for entities delivered with a label, tag or plate showing the serial number.

The product register can also be used to maintain traceability according to ISO-9000 standards. You can create traceability backwards from the customer order to one or more manufacturing orders and then back to the purchase order. In this case, you link the serial number to the manufacturing order numbers or batch numbers from which the delivery was taken, in order to create traceability from the customer order to the manufacturing order. This will then allow you to maintain traceability backwards from the manufacturing order number to the purchase order, via a batch number register. For this, the batch number must have been registered on location during consumed material reporting during manufacturing, or during material arrival during purchasing. Read more about the batch number register in the help for the Batch Number List procedure in the Manufacturing module. Read more about Traceability in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

If a claim is received for a product (serial number), you can enter claim information in the Register Nonconformity procedure. Here you can enter information about reason or cause of the claim, claim cost, causing part number etc. In the Reject Codes procedure in the Global Settings, you can enter claim codes that will help you to create a structure for different types of claims.

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to manually register serial numbers for products, or complement the information entered for previously registered serial numbers. These serial numbers are entered or selected on the heading row in the procedure.

You can enter additional information under the tabs New Sales, Manufacturing, Aftermarket, Service, Nonconformity, Events and Consists of. Information that was not loaded to the product register when the serial number was registered.

A tab called Extra info can be activated via the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Product Register?, under Product Register under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. This tab consists of a number of fields where you can enter optional information. The fields can be used to register any optional data related to the current record, when no standard field is applicable.

If you do not need to complement any data, you can use this procedure to make adjustments of existing serial numbers instead. You can also enter comments regarding serial numbers and installations. If you have installed the supplementary function Document Viewing, you can also link external documents to the comments.

Under File on the Window menu you find the function Save as... used to manually register serial numbers when registering a customer order. The copied serial number data is defined to suit the order in question.

At the bottom of the procedure you will find information about who created the serial number and when, who modified the information and when, and in which procedure the serial number was created.

Create Serial Numbers during Different Events

During the following events you can create serial numbers (besides creating them manually in this procedure):

Row type 5 is used to register serial numbers from order rows. The product register will then be updated with serial number and data from these orders when they are saved in the respective procedure.

When an invoice containing row type 5 has been printed and approved, the system will create the serial numbers in the product register that are included in the invoice, using the invoice information such as Customer code, Order number, Delivery date, etc. The serial number text can be printed on the delivery note and invoice.

If you have installed the supplement Warehouse Management, you can also create serial number when registering stock orders in the same way as during customer order registration.

Products in Configurations

If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator and you load a part that is linked to a configuration you can preview the current configuration.

Service of Products

If you have installed the supplement Service Management you can plan, perform and report service engagements on products in the product register.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.