You are here: Inventory > Product Register > Update Product Register > The Consists of Tab

The Consists of Tab

Under the Consists of tab you can see if the serial number consists of other serial numbers and if the serial number is part of other serial numbers. You can also create new serial numbers from here of which this serial number consists.

Consists of Serial Numbers

In this table you will find information about which other serial numbers this serial number consists of. You can add and delete rows in this table.

In the Serial number field you can select or enter an existing serial number. In the columns to the right you will then see Part number, Name and Type for the selected serial number. The column Part number will then be greyed out.

New serial numbers can be created by entering a new serial number in the Serial number field and then in the Part number field select or enter the part number to which this serial number should be linked.

Part of Serial Number

In this table you will see information about which other serial numbers this serial number is part of. However. you cannot add and delete rows in this table.

In the bottom right corner of the tab you will find the button Modification log. Here you will see modifications made of the serial number.

In both tables you can double-click on a row in the Row column in order to load the serial number to that row in the procedure. If there are unsaved changes, a question appears asking if you want to save the changes.